11 MAY 1839, Page 9

A meeting which was attended by about thirty Liberal Members

of the House of Commons, among whom were Mr. Hume and Sir W. Molesworth, was held yesterday afternoon at the Reform Club, to con- sider the course to be adopted in the event of the restoration of Lord Melbourne's Administration. Some of the snore strenuous advocates of further reforms were for insisting as a condition of their support, that the Ballot at least should be left an open question ; but we understand that Mr. O'Connell and other Members urged, that in the present state of affairs it would be unwise and ungenerous to make such a demand ; and it seemed to lie the general feeling that their support should be given unconditionally. Of course it should!) A meeting was also held yes- terday at Mr. Ellice's, in reference to the appointment of Speaker of the House of Commons ; when it was agreed that Mr. Shaw Lefevre should have the support of the Reformers. [Of course he should, if Arr. Ellice will have it so.]—Courier.