11 MAY 1839, Page 9


A multitude of American and Canadian newspapers have come to us by the Great Western. They abound in extracts and notices of Lord Duan.am's Report, which seems to have produced a great sensa- tion in that part of the world. Many papers reprint the whole Report by instalments ; and there are advertisements of several reprints in the pamphlet form. We extract two notices from leading Canadian papers of opposite politics.

"It is not too much to say, that Lord Durham's Report will satisfy all parties in the Province who are honestly desirous of good Government in con- nexion with Great Britain. These parties must and will unite in support of his Lordship; and the interested official clique and the determined Republican separatists (if such there be) will be left in a miserable minority."—Toronto Examiner, a Radical Reformer.

" We believe this Report will be considered by all as the most luminous, comprehensive, and best-arranged document on the affairs of the Colonies, which has ever been submitted to the British Parliament ; and by goine to the bottom of our difficulties, Ministerial ignorance and blundering, work far more efficient reforms than have ever been previously hoped for."—Montreal Repaid, a High Tory Loyalist.