11 MAY 1839, Page 9


The following intelligence from Plymouth, of the arrival at that port of the barque Tory, will he read with interest. The aim and prospects of the expedition were fully explained in the account of the dinner at Blackwall, given in the last Spectator.

Plymouth, May 9.—Among our last shipping arrivals is the barque Tory, from London, bouml to New Zealand, which reached the Sound early yesterday morning. She is a fast-sailing new vessel of 400 tons, havin., been only one previous voyage, and is the property of the New Zealand Land Company lately formed in London. The present voyage is a remarkable one, being the first expedition despatched by the Company, with the view of exploring the country in order to the establishment of regular British settlements in New Zealand. The Tory left Gravesend on Sunday at six o'clock P. am., (where a party of gentlemen connected with the Company had assembled to take leave of their friends in the expedition,) amidst the cheers of the spectators oat the shore, which were answered by a salute of eleven guns from the ship. She was towed by a steamer to the mouth of the litanies, mid hail a very quick run of thirty-eight hones from the Downs to Plymouth Sound. The Tore carries eight guns, and is equipped in a very superior style. She carries may specie and such articles of merchandise as arc suitable for barter with the natives for land. The expedition is under the orders of Colonel WAKEFIELD, a very distinguished officer ; and the ship is commanded by Mr. CRAFTERS, R.N., a skilful nautical surveyor, who was Master of his Majesty's ship Beagle in Captain FITZROY'S Surveying Expedition in the South Seas. The Tory car- ries a surgeon, another gentleman devoted to medical statistics, a naturalist, (1)r. DIEFFENDACII of Berlin ) a draftsman (Mr. than), a few young ,gentlemen as volunteers, and an interpreter, NArrr, a New Ziniland chieftain, who has resided in England for two years, and has acquired the English language and habits. It is understood that this expe- dition is a preliminary one, for the purpose of selecting the site of a town and acquiring correct and scientific intbrmation in regard to the country. The Tory is ordered to proceed to the Company's territory on the West coast of the Northern island, which embraces the harbours of Kiapara and llokianga, and also to Cook's Strait ; where it is pro- bable a settlement will also be formed in the neighbourhood either of Cloudy Bay or Port Nicholson. It is said the Company are fitting out another vessel to Mow the Tory in a few weeks, and that a large body of emigrants, con- sisting of most respectable families, will embark front London in the course of the present summer. The wind being now favourable for sea, the Tory is to sail from the Sound this evening., or early on Friday morning at latest. The final instructions from the Company in London reached Colonel WAKEFIELD on board the Tory yesterday."