11 MAY 1850, Page 11

Last night's Gazette contains a notification by the 'Lord Chamberlain

that her Majesty's birthday '(the leith instant) will be celebrated on Wednesday next, the 15th instant.

We arc authorized to state that the Reverend Richard Dawes, Vicar of King's/ Sombourn, has been.appointed Dean of Herefords—Globe.

A deputation consisting of several Peers, about seventy Members of Parlia- snelit, andabout eighty members of the directories of the great Railway Com- panies of the United Kingdom, had an interview with Mr. Labouchere MT. II C. Lewis (en behalf of Sir George Grey), Mr. Baines, and Sir Edward Ryan, yesterday, to lay before them the grievances under which Railway Companies labour in respect of local taxation. Mr. Charles Russell and Mr. Laing were the chief spokesmen. Mr. Lalsouehere said, that while ad- hering to the present principle of rating, he would not be unwilling to con- sider and supped any improvement in the machinery of the law.

In the Court of Common Council, yesterday, Mr. Low brought up the re- port of the Committee on the Metropolitan Interments Bill. They did not object Iathe pi-beep-le of.tbe measure • the abolition of intramural burial is desirable; but the management should given, not to Government, but to parties,eesident in the several localities and lielongingto them. The Com- mittee asked to have the report referred back to them, that they might " con- fer with Sir George Grey as to the propriety of exempting the City of London altegetherirom the operation of the act.' This was moved ; an amendment was also moved; but the motion was carried, by A5 to 34.

Mr. Walter Watts was tried at the Central Criminal Court yesterday, on .the indictments, preferred by the Globe Insurance Company. He was found guilty on a count charging the "stealing of a piece of paper" • but a point of law was reserved, on the question whether the count charging the steal- ing of a piece of paper would be a sufficient criminal charge.

The Wyndham-Club-house, in St. James's Square, was in peril ofelestrue- tkar by Are yesterday, morning. Flames burst from the roof at three o'clock in the morning, and were not quenched till the reeling of the strangers' room and much of the handsome furniture in it were consumed. A flue running through the roof was the esese Thedemege is covered by insurance in the Phoenix Fire-office.