11 MAY 1901, Page 24

NEW EDITIONS. — The Life and Poetical Works of George Crabbs. By

his Son. (j. Murray. 65. net.)—This edition seems to be identical with the octavo volume that has been familiar to us for fifty years and more. There has been some good criticism on Crabbe during ,the last half-century, and it might have been worth while to give a new appreciation of the poet and his work. In one way the world has come round to him again, though it is in fiction rather than in verse. "A Village Tragedy" and "Mean Streets" are quite in Crabbe's manner.—The Old Curiosity Shop, and Master Humphry's Clock, by Charles Dickens, with Introduction by George Gissing, and Notes by F. G. Kitton, 2 vols. (Methuen and Co., 6s. net), volumes in "The Rochester Edition."