11 MAY 1907, Page 1


THE news from India is not good. Troops of all arms and police have been drafted into Lahore. The demonstra- tions against Europeans there, on which we commented in our issue of April 27th, were followed at the end of last week by rioting at Rawal Pindi. The District Magistrate had ordered several native barristers who had delivered seditious speeches to come to his house to explain their conduct. A mob collected outside the house, and eventually marched through the civil quarter doing much damage. They partly burned the bungalow of the District Magistrate, and destroyed his furniture and papers. Some native barristers were arrested, and bail was refused. In Northern India and various parts of Bengal there have also been many disturbances owing to the animosity between Hindus and Mohammedans. On Wednesday in the House of Commons Mr. Morley, in answer to a question by Mr. Balfour, announced that Sir Denzil Ibbetson, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab, "one of the ablest and most experienced administrators," had applied to the Government of India forthe arrest and deportation of two of the most prominent agitators. The Government of India were unanimously of opinion that immediate action was necessary, and the warrants were accordingly issued. Sir Denzil Ibbetson has inspected the defences of Lahore. and has wisely postponed his departure to Simla. Meanwhile Lajpatrai, pleader of the Punjab Chief Court, has been arrested, but the other agitator for whom a warrant was issued has gone into hiding. The immediate effect of the prompt action of the Government has been good.