11 MAY 1929, Page 20


In answer to Mrs. Steel's letter in the Spectator, asking-it the replica made by Wedgwood which she possesses - is unique. It may interest her and your readers to know that I have probably an identical copy, 10 inches in height, .." blue ground and figures and ornamentation raised in clear white and finely traced." My copy, however, is not in perfect condition, owing to the blue colour on one side of the vase being worn off—possibly a " waste " copy. I have also an antique pewter teapot with the same design as the Portland vase on both Sides, the figures are raised and stand out in relief and in perfect condition. The, teapot measures 6 inches in height and 10 inches from handle to the top of the- spout, and is marked " Seamless " beneath the Royal Arms and motto, on the bottom of the teapot. I wonder if this is 'unique P—Rev. EUSTON NURSE,' The Rectory, Windermere.

[We believe that Messrs. 'Wedgwood still -Luce h copies

• of the vase.—ED. Spectator.]