11 MAY 1985, Page 41

Crossword 707

A first prize of E20 and two further prizes of CIO (or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £11.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) will be awarded for the first three correct solutions opened on 28 May. Entries to: Crossword 707, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

1 2 3 4



6 7 13 15


LI I= Livi 1u1

In seven instances the light finishes off rather than answers the clue. Only in one such case does the light consist of a single word. Ignore one apostrophe and a possible hyphen.

Name Address ACROSS

1 Archbishop's prayers (5) 4 Had (9) 9 Claims mail long delayed in

, America (10)

'1 Affair with a girl monitor (6) 12 Gone for (7)

14 Birds originally discovered in Space (5) 15 Nothing in old maid, old sport!

V) 16 ish with success in part of the

,„ Pacific (6)

4z Medical examination, see, in

following IA (8)

,,43 Calls further for repeats (7) 44 36 with initial aspiration, but not

, a priestess? (4)

4 Out of hours'? That's heartless!

„ (4)

41 Ache to return to, inter alio,

, Bridgend (7)

`9 Man having measure of „ mathematician (8) a4 Spider-monkey making come-back without European

, State backing (6)

;4 Inflict women with care (5)

IS Characters getting bird (5)

6 Symptom of tinnitus, maybe? It

„ depends! (7) The trouble with a foreign

„ reserve fund (6) a46 Making little of note is initially 1, 6_0 good without one (10) 40 kicked (9)

Test twice, for instance (5) DOWN

1 Fee payable in a less sombre era (10) 2 A capital fragrance (5)

3 Assumes that's unlucky up North (6) 4 One miserable specimen swallowed up by one of the sea-lions (7) 5 It takes one in as well as armies


6 ne of the 14 born to 24 (5) .) 20 7 Central American muscle is without complaint (9) 8 Partly disindividuallsed wash out (4) 10 Pushing (9) 13 Got (7) 15 Carried on, one getting second wind (6) 17 Drug of six letters (9)

18 Scots shelter — a snare for a fool (7)

19 Among boors, long a joke (10) 20 Daily signal (9) 21 One who does is barely seen to stretch (6)

26 Townsmen upset about a bearing-pole of quadrivalent tin g)

28 it (7) 30 Teaches a humorist points (6) 31 Central American fish with no tail (5) 33 Depilatory of most use in Sandhurst (5) 34 Went (4) The solution to Crossword 704 is on page 39.

Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.