11 NOVEMBER 1843, Page 9



Some of the large speculators for the fall have purchased extensively to close their accounts, and so largely that one broker alone bought between 200,000/. and 300,000/. These operations, in conjunction with the investments of the Government broker on account of the Savings-banks, gave a decided turn to the market ; and English Three per Cent Stock consequently rose per cent ; Consols, both for Money and Account, having been done at 964. A decided change has taken place today. An extensive sale for Money by a leading broker having deluged the market, it has given way, under the pressure of the Stock thus thrown upon it, to nearly the whole extent of the late improvement. Bank and India Stock are firmer ; both being quoted from i to 1 per cent, in advance upon our last prices. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has expe-

rienced a slight decline ; those bearing interest of per diem being quoted at 62s. to 64s., and those of lid. at 61s. to 63s. prem.

In the Foreign Market, an impulse was given to Mexican Stock, by the arrival of a remittance on account of the Dividends ; but as at the same time intelligence was received of the misunderstanding between our Chargé d'Affaires and the Mexican Government, the price of the Stock fell from 33 to 294 : a slight improvement afterwards occurred, and the quotation is now 304. Peru- vian Bonds still continue an object of speculation; and have been done as high as 25, being an advance of about 2 per cent. Some transactions have also occurred in the Bonds of the Greek Loan of 1825, which have been for some time neglected : recent occurrences in Greece have directed the attention of speculators to this Stock, and it has on several occasions during the week changed hands, at prices between 15 and 16. The speculation in Spanish Stock has received a check ; and the price of both descriptions has declined nearly i per cent in spite of some very extensive purchases. The recent great im- provement in the Three per Cent Stock from 244 to 324 has induced many holders at lower prices to sell; and in the absence of continued political and military success on the part of the Government, it cannot be expected that the present prices can be maintained. Dutch Five per Cent Bonds have become favourites for investment, and a very large purchase was recently made for money at par. The Two-and-a-half per Cents have not been in such demand : their quotations are, however, well supported. The other Dividend-paying Continental Bonds continue to be sought for as investments, and are gradually improving.

The business in Railway Shares has been sufficiently general and extensive : but the fluctuations have not been material, and nothing has occurred in this description of security to call for especial remark.

SATURDAY, Two o'cr.ocw.

The English Fonds have improved 4 per cent, and close at that advance upon the morning's prices. In the Foreign Market the business has been chiefly confined to Spanish Stock ; which, after improving about i per cent, has fallen as suddenly, in consequence of a very extensive sale just before the close of business : the Three per Cents, which were at 32, having declined to 31, and the Active, from 22i, having fallen to 21i.

The usual quarterly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has appeared : it does not, however, present any subject worthy of remark. ,

- We have to notice the following transactions in Shares : Railways—Bristol and Exeter, 594; Eastern Counties, 94; Edinburgh and Glasgow, New, 134; Great Western, 901 894; Ditto, Fifths, 16 4; Brighton, 374 84; Birming- ham, 2164; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 224; Ditto, New Thirds, 36; South- western, 684; Croydon, 134; North Midland, Thirds, 27i ; South-eastern and Dover, 28g 294; Ditto, Scrip, 294 York and North Midland, 52: Banke- r/pion of Avstralia, 29i : Miscellaneous—Patent Elastic Pavement Company,

1 4.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

94 1 961 1 951 1 Cbilian Deferred Columbian 6 per Coats 1824 ex Venezuela

47 9 III 12

34 per Cent Ditto

1021 li

Danish 3 per Coats .. 85 86 New 31 per Cents

103 4

Dutch 24 per Lents 54 4 Batik Stock

180 1

Ditto 5 per Cents 99/ 100 Exchequer Bills prem. 61 64 Mexican a per Cents ... ..... 301 a India Stock

270 I.

Portnguese New 5 p Cts.1811 434 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents

74 5 Russian 5 per Cents 1144 151 Belgian 5 per Cents

1024 3/ Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 274 1

Chilian 6 per Cents

99 101 Ditto 3 per Cents 1812 301 14


There is scarcely any business doing this morning, and prices are the same as yesterday. The only transaction we are as yet enabled to notice in Railway Shares is one in York and North Midland, at 116.