11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 19


ORDNANCE.OFFICE, Nov. 4.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Gentlemen Cadets to be Second Lieutenants-V. D. Majendie, vice Blakiston, promoted ; J. E. Blackwelli vice Kaye, promoted; Sir J. W. Campbell, Bart. vice Smith, promoted; 4Emilius Be Vie Tupper, vice Maitland, promoted; J. C. F. Ramsden, vice Stocker, pro, muted; F. A. Whinyates, vice Burrowes, promoted ; F. C. Elton, vice Clarice, pro. moted ; C. R. Franklen, site Joy, promoted; C. Collingwood, vice Thornhill, pro. moted ; R. A. Mitchell, vice Pearse, promoted: F. A. Autry, vice Carey, promoted; L. P. Walsh, vice Walker, promoted ; P. D. Le P. Trench, vice ShakerleLtz meted ; W. Rooke, vice Alderson, promoted ; S. A. Bazalgette, vice klutc promoted. Corps of Royal Engineers-Gentlemen Cadets to be Second Lieutenants with Temporary Rank-It. Grant, vice Teesdale, promoted ; E. H. Stewart, vice Graves; promoted; E. D. Malcolm, vice Anderson, promoted; A. R, 11•Donnell, vim Da Cane, promoted ; J. H. Wilson vice Crossman, promoted; C. A. L. de Montmoren- cy, vice Marsh, promoted; on W. Le F, Trench, vice Stuart, promoted.

WAR-01MCB, Nov. 10.-1st Regt. of Drag. Guards-Serg.-Major Hayes: to he Cornet, without purchase, Vice Fletcher, deceased. 3,1 Light Drags.-Lieut. the Hon. A. T. Moreton, from half-pay of the 15th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Mae.

• queen, who exchanges. 4th Light Drags.-Cornet F. W. Martin to -be Lieut. by , purchase, vice Hartman, promoted, by purchase, to an Unatt. Company. 6th. Light ! Drags.-Quartermaster T. Anderson, from the 13th Light Drags. to be Cornet., vvithr ' out purchase, and Riding Master. 12th Light Drags.-Assist-Surg. E. B. TI18011, from the 9th Light Drugs. to be Burg. vice Foaker, deceased. 17th Light Drap.-

• Regimental Serg.-Major C. J. Ffenuell to be Quartermaster, vice Yates, appointed to the 11th Light Drags. llth Regiment of Foot-It. W. Khoisan, Gent. to be En- sign, by purchase; vice Cart, who retires. 12th Foot-Lieut. J. R. Palmer to he Capt. without purchase, vim Crofton, deceased ; Ensign J. 11. Stirke to be,Lieut. without purchase, vice Pabner. 18th Foot-Lieut: H. J. Stephenson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major Bruce, who retires ; Ensign IL I'. Bishopp to be Lieut. by pur. vice Stephenson; J. S. Theobald, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice

19th Foot-Ensign J. H. Kirke to be Lieut. by purchase, vice H. L. W. Clarke, who retires • T. B. Monsell, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kirke. 22d Foot-Capt. W. T. Smith, from the 75th 'Foot, to be Capt vice Blacken, who exchanges.*6th Foot-Ensign J. Armstrong to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Chute, promoted; H. A. Barton, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Armstrong. 45th Foot-Lieut. F. R. Grantham to be Capt. by ptuchase, vice Smyth, whose promotion, by purchase:oh the 13th October, has been cancelled. 49th Foot-Ensign C. Fitzgerald to be bent. by purchase, vice Bellaire, promoted.; H. .I. Davies, Gent, in be Ensign, by phi- chase, vice Fitzgerald ; Lieut. A. 8. Armstrong to be Adjt. vice Bellaire. promoted.. 69th Foot-Major E. Hickey, from the 75th Foot, to be Major, vice Bo archier, who exchanges; Quartermaster IL Smyth to be Paymaster, vice Dalgetty, appointed fo a Depot Battalion. 70th Foot-Ensign J. W. Madden tube Lieut. without porchase, rice Lyle, dec,; Quartermaster M. Thompson to be Paymaster, vice Mockler, des. 74th Foot-Ensign N. S. APCnimmen to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Swallield, deceased; Ensign R.. F. Martin to be Lieut. by purchase, vice 51•Cruminen, 'whose promotion, by purchase, on the 29th Sept. 1854, has been cancelled ; Ensign A. Angelo, from the 6th Foot, to be Ensign, without pur. vice Martin. 75th Foot-Xajor L. C. Bourchier, from the 69th Foot, to be Major, vice Hickey, who exchange*: CaPd- II. Blacken, from the 22d Foot, to be Capt. vice Smith, who exchanges. 81st FEsitZ- Ensi.ni. T. P. Wood to Lieut, by purchase, vice Lecky, who retires; D. Wtir, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice.Wood. 86th Foot-Ensign R. C. Brown to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Beatty, dec. 91st Foot-Lieut. W. B. Battiscombe to be Capt. by purchase, vice M•Clintock, who retires; Ensign H. W. Gregg to be Limit by purchase, vice Battiscombe • J. Stagg, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gregg. 93d Foot-Lieut, F. VT. Burroughs to be Capt. by purchase, vice Shelton, who retires ; Ensign F. K. Kirby to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Burroughs; E., A. C. Nightingale, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kirby.


Bills Brigade-Limit. the Hon. J. Stuart to be Capt.. by purchase, vice Brevet

Lieut.-Col.clumbley, who retires ; Second Lieut. L. N. Malcolm to be bent by purchase, vice Yonge, who retires; Second Lieut.F. C. Morgan to be bent, by purchase, vice Smart

lit West India Rest-Lieut. W. J. Chamberlayne to be Capt. without purchase, vice English, dec.; Ensign E. S. Harrison to be bent, without pur. vice Chamber- layne ; Assist-Staff-Surg. W. A. Thomson, M.B. to be Aesist.-Surg. vice Peacocks, appointed to the Staff. 2d West India Regt.-Ensign VT. J. Burman to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Elliot, dec. 3d. West India Regt.-Sergt-Major W.. Cody to be Ensign, without purchase vice Hill, promoted. Hospital Staff -Staff-Surg. of the Second Class C. C. J. Delruege, M.D. to be Staff- Burg. of the First Class; Assist-Surg. G. Peacocke, M.D. from the 1st West India Regt. to be Assist-Surg. to the Forces, vice Thomson, appointed to the let West India Regt. To be Acting .Assist.-burgs.-J. A. Marston, 51.D.; A. W. P. Pinker- ton, M.D; W. V. Browne, Gent.; G. Fair, M.D.; A. Semple, Gent.; J. G. Camp- bell, Gent.; B., Edwards, Gent.; W.Acton, Gent. ; .1.1i. Philip, M.B.; H. Maund, Gent.

To be Purveyor to the Forces.-T. A. Corlett, Gent.

Unattached-Brevet Lieut.-CoL H. D. O'Halloran, from Capt. half-pay, 69th Foot, late Deputy Quartermaster-Gen, in the Windward and Leeward Islands, to be Ma- jor, without purchase ; Lieut. G. A.. Hartman, from the 4th Light Drags. to be Capt by purchase, vice A. C. Meik, who retires. ADMIRALTY, Nov. 9.-The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby give 110.• Mee that they, on behalf of her Majesty the Queen, assert a emanating right to her Majesty's ships Assistance, Resolute, Investigator, Pioneer, and Intrepid, which have beenleft in the Arctic Seas by their late crews.