11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 7


It is intended to reinforce the cavalry in the Crimea. The weakness of that branch of the service there is, unfortunately, not to be denied. The heavy brigade consists of five regiments, nominally about 1200 stiong, but-in-reality there are hut two or at most thresumfimeLits in an effective ettirditil44 oThtl PrI4a0,4 0.,,W0Pr )1. WhicArr,.,_°.Ple ' were so redeped by sicknase at.y an* TilvfeB', betjcmained of the offleereai.men. were 1flCQTPO have lost. more than 'h 'WC Wi Micion GuardS. ThiYriet' 842113 e:.".tdtteftWii, •i Dragoon Guards, the only effec describid as being in admirable4`ondiftO4'" 'tute So badly off; as the five regitheompthiIh 'ileenth Light Dragoons,-. Eighth 'Midi" e4ehtli 04fgerith Lancers—are, -all thins ebrisideir iti.,prkt1- 14'eveitlielees,"-although the PartiettlainOfAtia 541 t't ber are not exactly known to us, they must be of a cliaritefet14114114 ulsailitig-vesSels ,te So slow and uncerfai,ii,,,f e,kayel„ roduKitheir effective strength. .Tlie,p1,1.*or fendinviitAytitrpR ,by witlety abandoned ; but the scarcity. of Larg6iettlani-s ma sui a Te for The Itarintspert:'of horses will.,iteeessarily, cense Serste.deday,ln.aettding,pqt,the reinforcements. The cavalry regisuents,ttrbe seurigukhawa agrhihe. selected. - Those at home are the Firet,Becoud, Thirtivand-sSerienkhid006 goon Guards, which are heavy; and Atm: Siith, Dispasin..Guardsii(Cerabi- moms); Third LightDragoons; Seventh; and HusseraatuFiE teenth Lancere, light.- The'Carabitmers,,Sixteenth'Laneete, 'and,Seictith Reamers, with one •of the heavy-regiments,- rub the most like]ylds lit ide- patthed.—T-ictes.

-. • • • ' •

,Ithe Third Bfiffs;rstatitirsedat Malta, have proceeded to Atls placing the Service companies of the•Ninety-seventh Regiment,. Sirdefeein reinforce Lord Raglan's army in the Crimea. The Sixty-seetittelti *- Otitis also under orders to proceed from Malta to the'sti44if dada thes.e two regiments, there are now in the Ileditertatean talions of infantry ; Which, if replaced by Militia, 'a sold be avaIlor aetive service in the Crimea. These Mediterranean troops temild be; very valuable in the Crimea, as they, are to some extent acclimatized. , -two. hundred men frem...the- First awl -two ,Atiattre4 frsJseSe1

cOnd Regiment of Life Guards and the same from th6 Horse Guards Blue, have received orders to hold themselves in .readiness to proceed to the Crimea. Thirteen large iron cylinders have been made at Maneheeter, anti oLlimra are in course of tenstruetion at liewealttle, to be sientio Selma& pol for the destruction of the sunken: ships. The cylinders will: be filled with.gunpowder, sunk close to the 'hips, and, there exploded by meant; of electricity.


The-lest Government despatches:A-Mu Lord Raglan,' dated the -18i1L4 October, have net yet been recovered. It has been stated that they were' intrusted, to Lieutenant Henderson, who brought horae:44,44,Tiurplas'a despatches of the name date, and who arrived in town.ou8nridayavinting,i We believe, however, that such. is -net the case; -..and Literals some rest., sun -to suppose that the despatches left the Crimea by a, private- hand; and' were not delivered in time at the British Fmbassy at Constantinople.--.. Plif% Vein' totrys; the author and secretary of the "-Central Atimelitioniit kid o the Wives and Families, Widows and Orphans, of Soldiers ordered' to .the Emit," has got himself into a logical scrape with the subscribers to that Charity. 'William Wheeler Godwin enlisted as a single Man in the Thirteenth Battalion of Artillery, on hikown,uundition that,he, shoal placed: in one of the service /companies., He proceeded -with hia.ba tat to the East, and died at Varna7in Augustelast,c &curt diseasa of Alip,letaga, It appears, however, that he leaves a widow with two children ; anti she 1, ripplieS tMthe Centrtd Assothaton. ..Ati objection 'that:her marriage:billet recognised by the regiment "is disposedef by proor of: the marriage-; 'but the, Society Still refuses relief; on the-grounff that " it eannot:ennouraffullePq jury 'and the desertion of a wife. Mull'anitIV; and-thus uPen,the-duuntS all' heartless fathers who may run away from theiriiinsiiiesvand'enliat,"9,4 somewhat similar case is that of Martha -Brightwell, whose husband en- listed after the Nineteenth Regiment Wei utider orders, was by isle nin desfre Placed in one of the service companies, and died it Sebastopol:: There-was therefore no opportunity for this marriage to,-be'reoognised; and relief was _refused.

The recent reports of the corn-markets at home 'anti abroad have ex..„ cited unusual attention through :the. extresnahnarY itrquiaritiet:iit • the fluctuations of prices. In. Mark Lane,-en, Monday, after arise.,of 2,6s„ within, the previous six weeks; there was•it reaction to the -extentief- five. or eight phillings per quarter. , At the c.ountry.markete„. on, thilireyiosis Saturday, all the wheats were cleared off at a rise ; SIVA 4r.;.14.31!#T. exceeded the supply, that the farmers asked four shillings, in the mil- lers conceded two oc. three shilling. above the prices of the.preyreink week. The report-in Deland was.very wailer ; and violent fluctuattantinutAs farmers altogether out of their reckoning. The recently-puV.mbed cultural, returns show a decrease in the aereablo extent of latitt deyetted to cereal crops in Ireland ; and the consequence was, that after a riseLat very high prices, succeeded by a sudden decline, the Dish corn-markets once mere sprang upwards. The Board of Trade ..returns, which show an unusually low ampunt of wheat and flour taken for consumptian; during the last month, prove that these changea of prices hava.dePeaded, name upon speculative dealings in'the marketthamnpon any .pressing-de- mend by the consumer. In the. forsign• markets there is • not the same disproportion between demand ' and Supply. At •Dantsic;' the! supply' rather increased; "mast of the principal centres report ,"leas eridttanient, "quiet," "subdued tone," and 'so forth. In 11611and, 'Belgians; and France, the markets are "giving way more or less." In I'aris, business ii quiet, with an increasing stock of flour. In America, the supply from the interior to the ports dote not appear to have increased, and the quan-

tity in store is light. -

Glancing at the lesson tanght Ibrthe,dttleierip,ies of supplies abroad, " &B.," who dates from-the Fartner'a Unit points the moral- " As.to foreign supplies, there is but one district front.which-itislossible to obtain large supplies during the continuance of the war, namely, the banks of the Danube. If they can be effectually cleared of Russians,. anti if vigorous; mechanical means be taken for dredging the months of -the Danube, so as to allow ships of large burden to go up to.load, considerable supply may he' obtained from that quarter. • But, in any event, it is certain that our cows. semption of wheaten bread ..(which can -only, be grown-in this countryiby graiving.a large quantity of-beef and mutton)- jot's* 'large so-steadily.its, creasing, that it is worth while -to eultivate the eorn.lauds_of this country in

best manner. What that m er ought tti be is no mystem ; it r4dres _

no extragrdinary patentinchipery,9andleauirtiutisulm 'sat .s. adoli filndietatinitlis Iff fle s2.,.7Liyitrttillie460-t Meters& afittifflet1 Ws I Nmens,' trilisidterdiihmir, d ii Liireallialfird; a n Itathieltilf.lill6 see*


the -all all •beilig died One i-ArMblerin a 4t,i.. i'lancy) utidirl kii ptitaked'Iti d ji. • i the land fallhif m4jJr°nate i `1;)arifflifilli 10., `WitletatisittieWlitiiiiiie MellIrii ' Ntervilfaidt in 'ftlefe eli YeefiiireSit'keiiitiliNy rtetblitild'it leteris'efl tied.lintktieUitio,', : - ,fp5.cf sod ,slerypa nom3 lo ,inAlilf ..silt 'AL! hi j1l5NUJOlki ill Iiiii.,..)11 uhi;quige he Lord Chancellor has -presented the Master of the Temple to the tfiri • iiri..Roda(uwiligat&aerf?.-rriersis isliqfprig w519. illl',1-0q A ■ Iii .: 3,,, '. :52 -, ,11.:(1,1 )r,-;,"1 ' t ,11'109d Ill1711 9fiT .7,1,r.,,1/: zi,:: bar _.,11,...'t .1

Week, iftadad '

i7,1t It ql,PA.4 1 21st „ 1843

'21st ,. 1844

,Ast ,, 105, -.21st. ., )81 '21st ,,114 21st ,, 140 Snot cl,,, 11149 tst,11..,,,Irt

21.9 . 1959

:it& :,..1:4%,w sitistl Z3 .1654


,,London., ,inland,!• Foge1s ang-ShiP.


I loraion I Diatrict

'...Soint3 I



and Waif s. Total ireManl• Total :kotluud.

Ii :1:1 f ?



tigig: 2",159',975' 2,269,969 2.022,957 3,029,07 ,3,198,153 '3,44s;902 4,473408'

, 3,67,1,358


4,189,370 4,350,568: tosa.eis

1r)2,g9i ' -556, 4



714,434 734,353 ' 818,005 .934 : 805;646,


9,59,892 1,002,357 8.931.199

7effi-v- __Kfli., -4= 91 ''''




80801: 3,

. 435463?i,

: 4444sk

660,780 ,738,g7gfri. - Ift9/99911

984, '1'...4.„...,,,SIV dd-,W157201 3,244,111

2,763,177 ,

, 4,285,646 4,470,516

' 464138{,426

1 ft.9,51,81349,1


5,801, -

its,87b,Rii ' -4.6416.839 J412Y1 .1 12114

00:0 : 443,601 9

`,5 ,asp, 614.295



434, 35,i 2

289,1138, n7,92.2! s

es Als e4-,gis 6,17 ,73L '94,899 ,755 1630,446.

,:818,1r, .749 ,6F__, 72 ,IT0 9soite go,ksor

- .

tome ,• •

• '1441. ' ....J

Premature Birth frit& 44e..i.ofivo.n.,indit:- ...... Ilpgrc,

Atronti — .,

:,A.M •• - - ' :::-IJ:-,saa ..i Sudilensf /Ili ii iw • lig 9.4.911■17114.110KlIfirni/7.11 sa Inewsoi'l,!.bic • 115,10'S.V*•?1!4°4,. Sold' '9" . : .çi5o "AMA' 'Unrelli Mk i 19 Mi 313•31M414847, TotrialuCluding unsPeolfte&esourisPf .19b31140.fillit114.131,anifJ Jim fitssemi . : ' ' -, : -,:r.--".4. .:-..1c;lirci: :id: no il:),-.)9,1,, E 7411(iElft SifdlandlLidy•Painterston aroanneunewbas alientetoietivetowth for Dag and St. Cloud, on a visit to the Emperor and Empress of the French."..seiled?. , - T e th---TriTer-ri-sGehoa-ts--re-pated tolse serionsIfilI; 'W chest-frtis-ssirTTif 'affected. , i cf 1" tl- s'-1 T 2 n cr The King of Naples is atIptiesintisiagedbwkflasr4e subjects of solicitude; . his .policeardfiuppressiegitiVerything in the shape of news or conversation


IhT"tf".°F.ITT e mself .e on le his ti eh stinsbf'SptW and thi ¶' o kadtenktue_fsiiiiii Acrbe Ch4 It6PWIbt PilangeNVteeftty of Sic,Rr-ailliestlly sts' ' bf iffietist''oPirdeffs4. liii &aerated. With, French beheotti:-fil danger f 9(11 • General Sterytirt,..one'of a PaikYinjaidd bSt'itt4e41i'gsteck tMc held; expireffiiMEsitturday -inornbsie,-1161tairtizGenettitilti the A riadusilie-t. cltdited to U, a lineal, 'desdendsmt if Paiute Charles Edward Stesittii • . !Id; MicjW; Vincent WallacqthiecaniPoiliti4Iliaalrived;thdely ittiNetWiFOltf: it was :fearod■that he had Sailed in the ill-fated ,ititic :c!! -••.. !• •-•.n •no " :jaizu"..1 The Incorporated Law Society • have :memorialized' She .lard ChTirMellbriii: favour of closing,the-Equity courts at onezeeloeskida:Saturdays. , Al -letter -in the ExansirierioorrectssorietniOrgibr the aceimmt of the:it/Mittel lion in Mirky Streat'whieh.avaii...under the superinteadenee.01 Miss 401117 iegale before she departittl ter es9utaxi.,,flt Ia tia4e.,"hisapital,f1 ner.leattilidt 'Ailing iiWg return hiqite% ' "" Ifilfrip8 thapeast, liair, place in ilialiii,


, Ttik,.0.e return or a sin Mit! sap, y ave incre ims W A.triput any .in ekruntiont,,' r; 11- ,1840 to 1643 incI—str-- the tl u isg. en I a r,Ti . a 000 a year; then in lit incre more than U0,00 ; to relax somewhat' in the three come twtli&fast'ffiree, When.' an increase ...MA Abe' of-1,#,f.lfill. 'The whale return is an exemPlifiesitto ' coun ' atiellihas increased; like IsleaO Ac ye "a}ement or the rosesieefOttes 44.-4e ' fa' 'e W kr Filled the 20th septe i _ _,_46- igttt-S =liet'1849PiiiarrIst September 1848 '1184/,-InV,1846;'

. 1862, Am kii4,: ; • • e,!...r,I. -• . ;.,..r.

fiThiefia.4 1— 1107Neil

A.PI' "

8f8 ftWi tton BOO, petting tWeetr 4.


,.. • me Rue


Ver',11141`; 242 Sdpreisi- ,1144,'.13413;41350,.21161,

The Admiraltilia:e ifildithietkirfelbssidtith913 'set

ilittPdfuCtritisitiVellittsori //OW ClistiMies, __"! (imbibe &Utile arettverilly IliffIShillsPiftiktoPlirehitat;ufo'441efau ffo6y ,,,WesidAddatetitetletttekiLVilism4. person on board the Queen's ship Rattlierarre;teMiiiritide"ReirryTiO11 lopotoietaptairsiCoilisson'sishipithedisiteriniseilasttee knew,siwessreleaked from her pettition it,WrillastbsviLitnctinthessenttinser wit1852t1efaiwpairaad, chestiollooring winter-ineaulderoltagria? XeNarcits-14OD 30;,?slttAlid ivritritiotictistmtitsteleated froni the ice tratibthes16ths...3.elylent. "Bathed-by Southerly winds and' denih,vid .1:btu% rpoitig■BarroAvatirait the Oth of4t4ibti PtirCe19202ep Instil the Itst..:.:7Thei Rattles:shake han.,,b-seaunt *bled fheirioittliad lefkFtsititf13itteo-tr a *24th/iv treks*, fdt


Plover; which would afterkiirds veltileuth tiiitkeltrioeiekettld llorcgkring: The' °tibia Und7eVt4tvoloPotlieaEateillitie were all well; having lost only three men during the whole voyage.


rarsafF, rtiok • •940:14,/ 14. •A•14;44algirtP. iz,ArktielltleW. rim, en of liin,i,Hted 1 to man- tan c;rder and'upon the Militia to defelidithertiulitry. ' : ....


A, theatre-is to be built in each of the camps-in Franee for the amusement The Russian and Finnish priethers at Lewes•are well provided with oash : the toys made.by the men are now sold at :ri much higher price than at oftorr, add are,readily nought; the Duke of Devonshire has sent the soldiers 2 . ; cedithe czar has remitted 10001. for the:officers. . . ' Tiewq correspondent at Constantinople forwards the following. The steaks-ship Ottawa embarked at Portsmootl, on Wednesday.raoreitig, which tbe Minister of War had received from General Canrobert. 22.0fficeni, 9 sergeants, and 450 rank and file, and 4 horses, of variotis kegir Head-quarters before Sebastopol, Oct. 28, 1854. aka:Eighth:wale °fared to underta , sigie.rintendence of tlieinstitu- tenstic gloom.. and angry impatience at the slew supply of 'a gloi .

the late Mrs. Wilson, of Eaton Square, has bequeathed 50001.10 tisegtesk theY al•sq.-'1 'A 90-gun screw propeller steam-ship, the Orion, was launched at Chatham perturbation's!. on Monday. The length between the perpendiculars is 238 feet 2 inches, - • extreme breadth 63 feat 10 inches, regietered tonuage,2305. low, eopen ets . po ,, ,. _0,*-31}ijael4p9Pat aud !-hqaPre Diseontent at the wont of delightful and co‘ilitlyeravactiettlit4


rrocure theee home comf 1:-A9u3 requires' 4u. E -t • t • As tool and surgical aid whieh re is alone can afford. When 4? is no =tea to London—the gay. Pariaak, ' ea ' th, di 7 has been further correspondence about the new. Stamp At.. ,Inrin- the ON Of gland, that-the Beard of Inland Revenue 'after reconsidera- a.qiiciou,..Mr. Keogh informs Mr. Marshall,' the- chlef•Mehler of tieh;at4 of.kp opinion that foreign:bills in duplieiiie or triplicate are 'only liable Mpay the amount of stamp eligible on. an inland bill: a foreign bill for 1'690/. will reqUireastaMp of 158., not three stamps Of that aihourit. The -'t intipiitas that these sort of questions should be put to the solicitors of , ipfiteis=the Board's opinion would have no weight in a court efiai.t.'.•• Itie,..laa'-hitch in the Movement to get up a Perry defence renliteit4iio- °nu fJoint Stook II ,. 'from Mr. Perry, directing payment.. •5R0yr,..M. i min__ On S.:aura/est; an order was presented to the r. Oicl his„gif.d;r1 to, clhar !cif- nits in Paris. No intimation of MI': er17 s in7 ten,f4nlisid'heen_eiiiiicated to The .treastirer of the furid;,"4/f fliiiiffo Monikly.thakite4losiarkImeinit-a*:-adverrisente/it in the PRefev•AOPJOiin Tm:Pg that, "but for this circumstance the petitions to her l'ilajeaty wasi/olkare been-forwarded- to --the-proper luarter,P-• -hut4iow- requesting-that-no further subscriptions be sent int. The Treasuroriranalepoeitedi20001. with the Wind- sor, henkers,r.atinliere4:..inithe jothriTainfie,othiMeelfand-Mr. Perry; and 'therefie intende it td,remain mitiloa bettorirqestraent- can be readel'Aw The Chancellor ref af.xcheqiknealledges thrreteipt of six Mexican: Bendsi.each-for-66.01.Titi-furtber pityreseit-efe debt long-due to the nation. The.trustrYelief Mr. Oliver's estate haie ardered thirtv-five shipi new liahliariperliiiit.honie to he sold; thole abroad will be sold as they arrive in - Attlie ' ' t4 of the week imarances were effected at Lloyd's on the irt2 8Ortirtlitt ' -..- ni Melbourne, at the high rate of. 40 per emit, as it was thee& she- `Jost .:' on. reesda3r afternoon news came that she was safeat TaInti on the:ilst Of Augtist, bot she had suffered =Oh :Min storms. ", :: 0:70itia p'atatpoy_thdecatt.t/tendhs_as been tdetected in eripplying Violets with are seVemr-rainerikelf the yarthAnierican Bison : the other day, the Duke belled, . ' dielei,it ;Asti* .. ' wlilsity';on , y:- *eV. it slightly medicated, hi-physic-hot es, -and la- There liMbeet "iiiikel--,huntine in Scetland. At Taymouth Castle there

: 1 . .

liC•iii• and olibistin-wat-s-lro-L-- ---- • u11-11. .,.,:i.• • • ' -

. .2 . . _ , . , • . -

...iMsclensipiaallePruyalkis about to 'reappesr at the Faris•Opme. She anole- giefor her,su.dden ehmnee, and blames sonieliody,whobia failed to deliver a: meafte••••::. A; ,.:. . 741, '.. '. • Loalraillajfr3g4Fulfkrae- Sontag are reported to have been treated with' grea i ' igiii y. er 'libelist:id left Mexico soon after her death. Her body„, in 1,ceffin, w,arisent.to Vera Cruz in carriers'. 'carts, like an ordinarypirekge enlist the beginning of October it was throat into a deserted church outside the Own; 'to await-the consent ef-seme eaptein to bring it to Eairope., .:.,,,3 hfirseiLlei, after fire:Mon:Chi of iiiffering, is at length officially. deeteed freepf cholera.- • . ....: Chi:den:ChM reappeared at Genoa but not extensively. At Milan, Paliat anffether. townaln Lombardy, it is on the -increase. The chairs ':•ke Mitafrish.at: Athena.on the 3d instant, with consider- able,'violenoe. . . . AProje:et ;is on foot:iii.Evince. to raise a month:eel:it on the field cif Agin- court to the•Freighreen•who fell there.- Pierraiti;:the;q1reilibleni,'.'. died lately, at Lyons,, upwards of ninety. years old., Piervard *ne a-drummer in the Republican army; as drum-major, he wakiresent at ths, execution 'of Louis-the Sixteenth; ' and hid' te .direet•lis men.lo roll their 'drums, by. order of :Salaam, in prevent the King from making a speech on the scaffold, Every time that mournful event was re- famed to, Pierrard was-seized with-a trembling. fit—henee•his useue:of "the shaker."