11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 9

A'Cabinet Council teas -held yesterday at the Forei g n Office. All

the- '315:Miters ciccpt the 'Marquis of Lansdowne were present. The sitting lasted nearly three hours. ;The Gazette of last night contained the following announcements. -The Queen law been pleasedto direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, appointing Charles William Fitzgerald, Esq., (commonly called- Minenis Of Kildate,) Charlea•Graves, D.D., Robert 'Andrews, LLD:, one of couneel, and Archibald John ens, Esq., barrister-at-law, to be her Ma.- her Majesty's cotinsel,-Ilem-Wptirge Hughes, Esq., one of her liajeety'a jesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the endowments, funds, anit actual condition, of all schools endowed for the purpoees of education in Ireland, and the nature and extent of the instruction given in such schools. The Queen has been pleased. to appoint William Swainson, William Henry Kenny, Frederick Whittaker, John Salmon, Henry William Petre (eorninon- ly called the Henourable Henry William l'etre), genry St. fill, .Tehn Yee- don Lloyd, Matthew Richmond, IlenrySeymoar, Ralph Richardson, Edward Hook Wilson Bellairs, John Anderson Gilfillan, and Francis Dillon Bell, Es- quires, to be Members Of the Legislative Council of-Now Zealand.