11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 9


The progress of the siege of Sebastopol continues to afford satisfaction; but this satisfaetion has failed to produce any favourable effect on the Funds:- the counteracting must* may be named a full recovery of 3r. to 5.. in the Corn-market, and a heaviness In French Stocks; whilst the near approach of the settlement of the'Consal Account, on the 14th instant, also exercises an influence. The latest *dykes from New York describe in- creased distrust connected witb failures a small firms and banks • and,the- importation of British and Frenalrgoods is consequently oontraet!ed, the rate of exchange is becoming leis lavoara-ble for this country andtheari, rivals of gold are already much smaller than they were of late. The quantity of corn in the Celia States available for consignment to England on emer- gency has notget been ascertained ; but strong efforts Would doubtless be made to meet the demand should the rise in Mark Lane continue. The English Funds have been lower this week : Consols have fluctuated between 941 and 931, and they closed yesterday at 941. The French Funds have fallen more than It per cent. The rates of exchange from the Continent have been leas fa- vourable. Gold has been remitted to Paris, and also to Spain; whence ex- portations of wheat are anticipated. At Vienna, distrust in the Money- market prevails, and the rate of exchange has advanced. The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 120,0001. from the 'United States, part of which is for the Continent, and 94211. from Australia. Money has been more in demand both on this market and for commercial purposes. Today the Funds have been very flat owing to several sales of Stock ; and Consols have touched 93k; they have since rallied a little, and leave off 931 I for both Money and Account. India Stock is 1, and Bank Stock 1 better this week : Exchequer Bills have not altered.

In Foreign Securities the transactions generally have been unimportant, and the leading Stocks have not varied. Peruvian Four-and-a-half and Three per Cents are 2, Brazilian and Sardinian 1, and Mexican lower. the principal feature has been a heavy fall in Turkish Scrip, which has been clone as low as 2 discount. This has been caused by an over-specula- tion for a rise, the near approach of another instalment, and a supposed irre- gularity in the new Bonds, Just issued in exchange for the Scrip : they bear only one written signature, the others being in lithograph ; and the con- tractors have been addressed on the subject, who will now add their written names. Some are satisfied with the Bonds in their present state, from the fact of many foreign securities being on the market only partially signed; and the method is adopted by the Bank of England in their notes. The Committee of the Stock Exchange, who met yesterday to consider the ob- jections, agreed as to the legality of the stamped signatures ; but thought they might be objected to by foreign holders, and be prejudicial to the se- curity on the Continental markets. Another reason for the fall was a report that the remaining 2,000,000/. of Stock would be issued forthwith : it it now believed the third issue will be made in January next. The Stock is today la to 1 discount.

Railways have been unfavourably influenced by Consols, and a gradual decline has taken place. Yesterday the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Decrease— Caledonian, 1/. 15s. ' • Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and North-Western, and South-Eastern, IL 68. ; East Lancashire, North British, North-Eastern —Berwick, and York Ditto, 11.; Midland, 15s. ; Great Northern' and Lon- don and South-Western, 103. Norfolk has improved 11. The decline in Foreign Shares has been—Paris and Lyons, II. 5s. ; Northern of France, 11.; Eastern of France, 178. 6d.; Rouen and Havre, 108. ; Great Central of France, is. 6d. Great Luxembourg Constituted, Great Western of Canada, Namur and Liege, and Western of France, 5s. Today the English lines are from 58. to 15s. lower in several instances. Foreign Shareshave also declined.


The English Funds are very heavy this morning, and have declined #, Owing to the telegraphic account of the loss to the Allied troops at the attack on Balaclava. Consols for Money and Account are now 93 1. Exchequer Mk, 5 8. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 56,4001. In Foreign Stocks, Mexican is lower, and Turkish Loan has declined to 2i and If discount. Railways have receded in sympathy with the English Funds: the present bargains are these—Caledonian, 691; Great Western, 69k; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 71; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1041 ; London and North-Western, 100; Midland, 68; North British, 38; North-Eastern—Berwick, 751.

" apes Cent Consols Ditto for Account kper Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock

-Austrian 5 per Cents

Brazilian .5 per Cents Belgian 91 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents 93 93 911 911 i


211 13 5 8 232 5 84 7 97 9 90 2 ex d 102 4 99 101 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican Sper Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto S per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents 77 80 60 2 90 2 21/ 68 70 98 50 90 2 95 7 84 6 37a 8


87 9 86 8

BANK OP HE-GLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on Saturday, the 4th day of November 1864. hoyt usrawrinrser.

Notes issued 426,969950 Government Debt 411,016,140

Other Securities 2,9849(0

Gold Coln and Bullion 12,969,930

Slims Bullion.




Proprietors' Capital

£14,553,000 Government Securities



3,136,875 cludir g Dead WeightAnnuityl £11,524,492

Pahile Deposits.

2,858,100 Othel Securities 14,165,098 Other Deposita 10,932,023 Notes 6356340

Seven Day and other Bills

1,120,999 Gold and Sliver Coin 355,076



*tualudhig Exchequer, Savings-Banks, OmandasiesersofNatIonal Debt. & Dividend Act.