11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 9


, at -Balaclava , in the encounter of the 25th, e 64008-.Ait throughput the campaign, by disease far more than 29,„ fumieh • the Awes Oh; morning with an occasion for sounoing e alarm. Our total•loss. Op to the 25th of last month is esti- mated eo ,14,000, leaving only 16,000 men. to do. the work .ef 3Q,010, the journalist instructs us to bear the vicissitodes of war. ludas,* repining ;.. he .reminds us of the glory we have wan—of the enormous stake we are playing for; and be tells .,the . Go- ventale-utr". irk -f•StaplAttio type, • that Ale. Army ‘.‘ :NEEDS 1.,MIGS.' REIN- FORCEMENTS." Why :leave "a single sailing-man-of-war in the Euxine? " "why not send out the steam-fleet as it arrives from the Bal. treleff',5i-iWtr believeve,have some 20,000 soldiers at home; besides some thousands more whemight be drawn from our garrisons in the Mediter-t ranbantheiriplaae being-supplied, if necessary, by Militia, ready and w!lling to tilschangethis duty: why should not all that is disposable of ths force be thinwn at -ow* on the shores of the Crimea "- England can do without soldiers; "let our spirits and our efforts rise with the '• in the plain of Balaklava. There were no serious engagements, but the Ra glish cavalry sustained some loss in a too vigorous charge upon the enemy. of-the military.. That of Honvault was opened °at heist instant.. .. 4! On the following, day, the- 26th, 6000 troops of the garrison made a The-French Goternment are seeking, to charter., several' large English sertict from Sebastopol, and, attacked the English left. This attack was Ampere for the conveyance of troops to the East: : It is mid that cute Ar repuhied,:aud the enemy driven back into the place with considerable lobs." iwp have been-engaged:from the General Steam CoMPar33". . . . : . .--. -The Thabor arrived at Marseilles yesterday, bringing a budget of ac-

counts from the Crimea to the 28th October. The contents of some of

her despatches have been summed np and transmitted by telegraph. The ... „ "constanginople, 30th October.,-Nour correspondent in the army before ....:1$14s,eontinue to arrive at Odessa, where they are chartered to load lin7 stop:4 writes on the 2,86; that 607 light infantry were engaged in the - The Moviteur of yesterday published the following telegraphic despa4


meats, for conveyance to the Crimea. • „ "The siege-works continue. On the 26th the Russian army showed itself d that the siege Operationd ought to have been intrusted to sumption Hospital at Brompton. General Neil instead of General Nut. And the intelligent Bourse af- firms these censures on the Emperor and his officers, by its own wile tiaii, its originators gladly accepted her services, because " they knew that Cann/bort, tt is discovered, has no experience, 'and has even ..y1 idt yeder..hev care A wouRlattrun as much perfection m human work can reach." atriated.Saragossa at Sebastopol. A powder-magazine having exprisrell, air o the 25th, and' that only 198 returned : 800 cavalry were engaged, of

- *bora only 200 returned: 9 officers were killed 21 wounded, and 4 were

Missing: -the Seventeenth Lancers were almost destroyed. We require rein-

foiteriiente." - - •

Other despatches concur in their teuonr with the above; and contitta the repOrtthat a Russian sortie on the 27th Was repulsed with severe loss to the besieged. ` - Atelepiiphih despatch, of Russiammanufacture, and dated " Sebastd- pol, eNovember 3,' was published in Berlin on Thursday. It affirms that "th eperationelotthebeelegers continued without any visible result)"; that.".theEnglish fire was slacker"; and that "the damage done to the fortilicaticess was inconsiderable; and was immediately repaired." 'The•IToarkal-Ve; l'eleriecueg of the 2e1 instant "published Prince Menschikoffs report of the Russian attack upon Balaclava, wider-date Pptobe,r.26.., In the math it ia superseded by more repeat .despatches, htitIC Ohtani some' dbtaile-that illustrate the combat. ' "ThieVniiish caeolrY.alSo 'Opposed Our detachment. tinder the command daktkljPanitgett,' it eliiirged'aith extraordinary impetuosity the brigade of hUnist*Wof-theelitli'diVitionef cavalry; but;taken in flank by four squii_d- minket the centhinedregithent of Lancers-in: reserve, 'and forced upon the Moss-ffinedf•thenrtillery of-the twelfth-and. sixteenth divisions-of infantry, and itten:that,of the:men -anisedwith: carbines of the first brigade of the latter division, it suffered considerable loss. "The first brigade of the sixteenth division, under the command of Mkiericsmierel Jabokritsky.. io person, waapitshed forward in advance to pre- Yeattlie view from turnuig the detachment Of Genera Lipraudi. At tie same. time that it attacked our hussars, the English cavalry rushed at a gal= lep,u,pou thebattery of position No. Sot the Don; where some of the gun- ners were put to the sword. "The lOssef our infantry in this affair does dot exceed, as it appears -hi MS; 'MO nien both in killed and wounded. As to that of the eavairy and: artillery, it is not yet known even by conjecture." it • • is reported ativvo more divisions of the French army are tin40m, orders to embark for the East. This is somewhat confirmed by another- report in .a Toulon paper.of the 5th, that a portion, if not the -whole of- the Baltieequadron was then hourly:expectedto transport a corps of re- serve of 30,000 men to Turkey. ..) In en official letter. from. the Admiralty to Lloyd's, dated November 7, it is notihed that the: blockade of the White Sea and the Baltic will oponneaiee . at .the eadinet .poesade , period next spring; rind that the Admirals have been Ordered to extend the blockade of the -mouths, of. the Danube "to all the ports in the Blaek Sea and the Sea of Azoff which

still remain. in poisession -of the enemy."!. •

'We have received the following- from Stettin. Letters were received at kernel on the 8th instant' from • St.- Petersburg merchants, ordering that their-goads should-not be shipped in British vessels, as they feared the Russian fleet would put to Sea and Capture them, there being so few British truisiers idthe Baltic.-1)ot7y News.