11 NOVEMBER 1865, Page 3

On Saturday last Consols for money closed at 88,1 to

89. On Tuesday the price for delivery fell to 88g but the quotations have since advanced somewhat rapidly. Yesterday the market opened with considerable buoyancy at 89* to I for money, and 88* ex. div. for account, closing, however, at one eighth below- those quotations. Scarcely any change has taken place in the value of money here ; on the Continent the leading alteration is in Holland, the Bank of Amsterdam having raised its rate to 5 per cent. The stock of bullion held by the Bank of 'England is 13,306,2771., whilst the reserve of notes and 'coiri Xmounta 'to 6,482,5021. The Bank of France return shows a illiinitintion of 272,0001. in the supply of bullion, and of 770,0001. in the amount of bills discounted.