11 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 13


[to THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—The first of Mr. Godley's excellent verses in the Spectator of November 4th voices, I think, the real feeling Of most of my countrymen at present During the earlier half of last week I happened to be travelling through County Limerick upon professional work, and had ample opportunity of obsereing the effect that the news of the mishap to our, forces at Nicholson's Nek had upon the peasantry, and also the poorer classes in the city itself. There was hardly any one I spoke to upon the subject who did not express real sorrow at the disaster. The fact is that the "rhetorical praters " and the only newspapers that the greater part of the people see have not only carefully con- cealed the real issues of the war, but have fostered and spread the idea that it is all a gigantic piece of " land- grabbing " upon the part of England. In the course of a talk with my car-driver, I said : "Do you know that out there a man of your religion would not be permitted to hold the meanest post under their Government, whereas the British Government that you pretend to hate throws open all her appointments freely to men of your belief !" The reply was : "Now, do you tell me that, your honour ! Fair, it's news to me. They must be a vale crew of naygurs, after all !"—I