11 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 14



StE,—The following extract from a letter written by the Quartermaster of a Regimental Depot may be of interest :—

"The Reservists turned up in a most marvellous way. Out of over 1,400 men, 13 only were unacounted for (they were supposed to be at sea)and only about 3 per cent were found medically unfit for service. Not more than 30 bad been out of work ; all others most respectably dressed, and appearing to have left good situa- tions. The work has been great, but owing to a good system there has been no confusion. I clothed and equipped 1,300 men between 8.30 a.m. on the 17th and 2.30 p.m. on the 18th, and we had practically completed mobilisation on that evening, all men having been despatched to their battalions. I don't think the 1.:xermans could have beaten this."

We may re-echo the last sentence, and ask those " M.P.'s " in search of an advertisement and others who recently attacked the whole Army system by reviving the exploded fallacies of thirty years ago, to take note. I may add that the regiments referred to in the letter quoted were composed almost ex- clusively of Londoners.—I am, Sir, &R., LEWIS BUTLER.

/twood _Howe, Maidenhead, NovemLer 2nd.