11 NOVEMBER 1905, Page 16

ownership in these chapels, and the Healing Act of 1844

which quieted the Unitarian possession. In the earliest days, however, a literary note lightened the gravity of the daily life. Thomas Martineau had been a pupil of Mr.

Barbauld, and Mrs. Barbauld, with her friends, were visitors in Magdalen Street, Norwich. At the age of ten James Martineau was sent to the Norwich Grammar School, whence after four somewhat unhappy years he passed to Dr. Lant Carpenter's school at Bristol, where there was awakened into vivid life that sense of moral feeling which became the guiding force of both his active and his philosophic work. In 1821 he left Bristol for Derby to take up his career as an engineer, and it was there that he met his future wife. The work at Derby proved uncongenial ; and feeling called to spiritual duties, the autumn of 1822 saw him a theological student for the ministry at Manchester College, York. Shut out from the Universities that in later years were to delight in honouring him, he found in the College which was the Nonconformist protest against the Act of 1662 the intellectual and moral means of developing his great powers. In 1885 he declared : "I was myself its creation, moulded by it to the very marrow of me, formed by its clay, and shaped by its wheel."