11 NOVEMBER 1905, Page 25

ProMiums.—The rates of premium charged will be found below the


- rates of British offices, both for with-profit and without-profit business.

Expenses.—The total annual expenses, including commission, charged to the Life Department are restricted to 10 per cent. of the net premiums received.

NOTE.—The average rate of expenditure of British Life Offices is 131 per cent. of the premiums.

Profits.—Policy-holders assuring with profits, receive four-fifths of the total profits derivable from the Company's Life Department. These profits are large. and at the last two valuations have permitted reversionary bonuses in the new series to be declared at the rate of 30s. per cent. per annum on sums assured and on previous bonuses. The next valuation will be made after December 31st, 1908.