11 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 13

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " Sncreron."]

Sra,—May I suggest a slight alteration in the punctuation of a passage towards the end of the last paragraph but one of "Don't Worry "? Should we not read : "A sense of anxious responsi- bility is discouraged. If our limbs cause us to offend we are advised to cut them off "P The essay is of priceless value. It is a rare thing to read a religious book which brings real comfort or encouragement. Religious literature too often reveals no Gospel, no "good news." We hear too much of the difficulties, too little of the joys of God's service. The "Student in Arms" makes Christianity seem immediately more desirable and more possible. He has caught the very spirit of Christ. The Saviour did not teach that the Christian must be for ever bowed beneath a burden of crushing responsibility. He fulfilled all the duties of a Christian to the full, and He said: "My yoke is easy, and

My burden is light."—I am, Sir, &c., A. J. K. RICHARDS. Carleton-in-Craven, Skipton.

[We have to thank our correspondent for what is an emendatio certa as well as for his admirable summing up of the spirit of the article.—ED. Spectator.]