11 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Snt,—I am much puzzled these days to know the most desirable of the many War Funds to which to send donations. Hitherto I have sent them to the Officers' Families Fund, the Red Cross Society, the Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help. I am now wondering about such funds as the Prisoners of War Central Committee Fund (Sir Starr Jameson) and the Union Jack Club. My inclination is to give to those that are likely to be of the most permanent use. Then there is the difficulty about knowing which are the most urgently in need of money, as I have no means of forming an opinion. Could you help me ? I feel great diffidence about troubling you, and yet I should set great store by your adviee.—I am, Sir, &v., Y. W.