11 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 3

That will not do for the Caesar of Batchacre Park


" It has been said that a Point of Honour and their Patriot Zeal te Defend their Country was sufficient to insure their Loyalty : good God I how little do some People know of Mankind, their Tempers, their Dispositions, Passions and Prejudices ! What ? Defend your Country by Naked Starving Honour I Will Honour (as Jack Falstaff says) mend a Broken Leg ? No then have none of it ; No No, Defend your Country by the Law and Force of it, than you are safe and sure of its Defence. Therefore to draw my five Hours Observation, and my Pen which is worn blunt with Writing to a conclusion I am most solemnly of Opinion, and I know many Thousands are of the same, would they pay the least attention to the Preservation and Right of our Constitution, to Defend the Laws, Lives and Properties ; our fellow Subjects would unite in Opinion with me that the Mon commonly called Volunteers, that have consented to Enlist and are Raised under the Prerogative Act of the 27th of July 1803, and accepted by his Majej, CANNOT by any Power or by any Law whatever now passed RESIGN until the Defeat and Expulsion of the Enemy from the Realm, and Suppression of any Insurrection or Rebellion, or an Enemy appearing upon the Coast and until the Expulsion of the same is effected. Vitas Rex Georgius."

And so say all of us.