11 NOVEMBER 1932, Page 16

The programmes for the week represent an unusually high level.

In every branch of broadcasting Music, Drama, Talks, and Vaudeville-there is something good. In music, particularly, the week is rich. We are to hear Elizabeth Schumann, Elena Gerhardt, Emmy Heim, Myra Hess, Albert Sammons, Isolde Menges, Maggie Teyte, Odette de Pores, Walter Widdop, Thalben-Ball-to name well-known stars only. The chamber-music ranges from Beethoven to Bartok ; and on Monday we are to have a rare opportunity to hear some of Schonberg's songs. I admit the occasion is a special one ; but the very fact that the B.B.C. is able, in one week, to gather together such an array for our pleasure should give us pause before carping at duller weeks.

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