11 NOVEMBER 1938, Page 40



[A prize of a Book Token for one guine -Jill be given to the sender of the first ccmut

solution of this week's crossword puzzl be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," and should be rem not later than first post on Tuesday. N.

envelopes will be opened before noon on iSiesday. Solutions should be on the appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. containing solutions must bear a three-hafpenny :tamp, oth--rwise they are surcha,ged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.1

ACROSS r. People who help you to get things off your chest ? 9. Severe in Judgement. 14. Confection of slight value. 15. Canoe that runs under- ground? 16. This tooth shows with the mouth shut.

18. with 29 down. One wouldn't think it would be good to eat this in a hole.

19. Not commendable in any city.

20. Existences pleasant to the nose.

22. rev. Are with this house- boat.

24. Boat that attracts attention.

25. Shoes for wet weather in- cluding gales.

26. Always stays no matter how carelessly you wear it.

27. rev. Heartfelt tube.

29. With legs on each side.

32. "More safe I sing with mortal voice, unchang'd To hoarse or mute, though fall'n on. . . days."

35. A small dot and empty space, directly together.

36. rev. and 30. Inclination for couch-grass.

DOWN r. Flower suggestive of a flat- tering prize ? 2. Spurt to get on a thing of no value.

3. This and paste will not make original books. 4. To produce illness this way is to produce anger !

5. Annoying part of a guitar?

6. This altar-curtain sounds puzzling.

7. Perhaps the flight from gold is due to these coins.

8. These scenes are built-up. ro. Half of half. II. Oak-feeding silk-worm. 12. Got hub (artag.).

13. The kind of room into which to blunder.

17. What Davy Jones's locker has ?

21. The kind of animal the criminal dislikes.

23. rev. Will make a musician blow up ?

27. with 34. Fifty will make this give up.

28. Simply poetic.

29. rev. See 18.

30. rev. See 36.

31. rev. This shop will do for a 33. Required in in vodka.

34. See 27 down.