11 OCTOBER 1851, Page 1

Lord John Russell's reply to the intemperate letter of the

Earl of Luean is marked by sound sense and quiet dignity. Even the Jeremy Diddlers of Mayo appear to feel the force of the simply impressive rebuke. At the provincial meeting of the Connaught Poor-law Guardians, to which Lord John's letter was communi- cated, their tone was humbled. They railed at Government, no doubt, in their usual strain ; but they laboured hard, though with indifferent success, to disclaim the imputation of seeking to evade the payment of just debts. Of course they will not admit that they have been m the wrong ; but now, instead of talking big about non-payment, they ask whiningly for a Parliamentary in- quiry. This agitation appears to be effectually checked. They are in full retreat, though they still affect to look defiance and keep their faces turned to the adverse power.