11 OCTOBER 1930, Page 16


Contrast with this chance, but admirable, example from Hampshire what has happened and is happening elsewhere, along other streams. The Test is pure. What of the Ver ? Or, on a bigger scale than either, what of those adorable western rivers that rise above the Devil's Bridge, inland of Aberystwyth ? Scores of streams have lost their trout and half as many their salmon. Some of the Welsh streams have been ruined by mechanical pollution of a peculiarly unnecessary sort : the dumped grit has destroyed the spawning beds. Apart from my own knowledge of those rivers, correspondents of the Spectator have sent ardent and well-informed protests from Westmorland and Merioneth. Most of our Eastern rivers have been ruined by chemical pollution. The other day our people, at the formal abandonment of Wei-hai-Wei, were presented in the charming symbolic manner of the Chinese with a howl of pure water as a recognition of their pure administration. At home our rural administration, and, indeed, seaside administration, has been too often signalized by the impurity of the water.

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