11 OCTOBER 1930, Page 16

Country Life TIIE Nnw ENGLAND.

This week's National Conference of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England at Welwyn Garden City has a certain historic importance—or ought to have. Its object is "to preserve and protect our homeland scenery and ancient ways" ; and the whole field will be covered, or has been covered, by speakers and organizers of all sorts and con- ditions from all parts of the country. The final morning is almost wholly occupied by the naturalists, who have an active campaign : Lord Ullsvrater, who is an enthusiast for nature reserves or sanctuaries ; Mr. J. R. B. Masefield, who has saved for the nation the loveliest bit of wild country left in Staffordshire, Mr. IL de Vere Stacpoole, who is urging the League of Nations to take in hand the pollution of the sea by refuse oil ; and Sir Maurice Abbot Anderson, that accom- plished botanist who founded the excellent and flourishing Flora's League.