11 OCTOBER 1930, Page 19


[To the Editor of the Smut-Aron.]

Sin,—In a contributed article under the heading Kenya," in your issue of the 4th, warm eulogy is given to the proposal to separate the native reserves from the rest of the Colony and run them as an entirely separate State. It is a most alluring idea, but though bandied about for several years now, its promoters have made no effort whatever to shew that it is either politically feasible or administratively practicable.- Surely, if they mean it to be taken seriously as a practical solution of the problem, now is the Rim, to shrew that it is something more than an alluring idea.-- I am, Sir, &v.,

W. MACLELLAN Wii.soNt (Member of Kenya Delegation). 54 Victoria Street, London, S.TV . I.

[We hope to publish a letter from our contributor on this question next week.—En. Spectator.]