11 OCTOBER 1930, Page 2

The Round Table Conference

The list of delegates from the three political parties for the Round Table Conference is impressive. No one

can deny that it suggests the great importance which the Government attaches to the Conference. The Govern- ment itself will be represented by the Prime Minister, Lord Sankey, Mr. Wedgwood Bean, Mr: Arthur Hen- derson and Mr. J. H. Thomas. The Prime Minister, of course, will not be able to give a great deal of time to the Conference, and presumably Lord Sankey will be Chairman in his absence. The Unionist delegates are Lord Peel, Sir Samuel Hoare, Lord Zetland and Mr. Oliver Stanley. The inclusion of Lord Zetland makes one question the rumour that he will be the next Viceroy. The Unionist Party Could not have sent to the Conferende from among the younger men a fresher mind than that of Mr. Stanley. The Liberals will send Lord Reading, Lord Lothian, Sir Robert Hamilton and Mr. Isaac Foot. There will be regrets for the absence of Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Lloyd George, but they both felt that they could not duplicate their duties in the House of Commons with service at the Conference. * * *