11 OCTOBER 1935, Page 19

SKOKHOLM BIRD OBSERVATORY To the Editor of THE SrucrATon.] Sin,—In

recent. issues of The Spectator 'Sir William Beach Thomas has referred to the . work of ringing migratory birds on the island of. Skokholm, Pembrokeshire, and mentioned the need for funds to improve the facilities for this work. , His appeal for subscriptions towards the cost (approximately £20) of erecting a larger type of Heligoland bird-ringing trap than had existed before on the island has met with an encouraging response, and it has been possible, with the manual assistance of visiting ornithologists, to proceed with the work:of erecting this catching contrivance and making it available for the

ringing of migrants.

I therefore beg your permission for • space in which to acknowledge receipt of the following amounts : W. E. Konrick Miss Woodhouse, Harrogate Prof. Julian Huxley .. Capt. II. Morroy Salmon H. W. Shellard Gregory M. Mathews ..

A. C. Cortell .. • • In Memoriam, Alastair Johnstone Sir Walter Williamson Anthony Harthan W. R. Alexander ..

R. S. Pollard .. Rev. C. J. S. Warner W. Hibbert and Family Total • • • • .. £14 9 0 In addition, Mr. H. F. Witherby has very generously presented the Bird Observatory with 3,000 " British Birds Marking Scheme " rings, equivalent to a donation of £9. A collection of sonic hundred British bird skins has been pre- sented by Mr. D. IL Meares, and this has already been found useful for identification purposes in comparison with the living bird.

During 1984 some three thousand birds, including sea- birds, were ringed on Skokholm, and given sufficient support there is no reason why the figure of 7,000 birds ringed per annum at the famous station at Heligoland should not be approached in the future at Skoldiolm. Funds are still needed to complete the sum required for the new trap, and if any surplus is realised, it will be , used to defray the cost of rings in the future and the cost of erecting a small but to be placed near the new trap for the convenient examination and ringing of birds, and for watching in comfort for new " arrivals ,, in the catching area.. Subscriptions addressed to me and crossed " Skokholm Ringing Fund " will be gratefully acknowledged. A report of progress will be circulated to all subscribers.

With many thanks for your assistance in this matter.—I am, • £ s. d.

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1 1 0 1 1 0 10 6 10 6 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 6 0 yours faithfully, R. M. LOCHLEY. Marlocs, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire.