11 OCTOBER 1935, Page 52


By the Duke of Portland

The Duke of Portland's second book (Faber and Faber, 25s.) is as charming as his earlier volume, Fifty Years and More of Sport in Scotland. It is pleasantly and unassumingly written, and the : material is indeed remarkable. Most of the book is taken .up with recollections of the Duke's career on the Turf, in the course of which he has won almost every race that an owner could wish to win ; the pages on the Welbeck Stud and his racehorses, and the countless: anecdotes of his races :and his contemporaries make extremely entertaining reading. The chapters on hunting' introduce many famous packs ; beiween 1874 and 1889 the Duke hunted with twenty- six packs; but his dearest memories are probably of the Quorn in the days when the great Tom Firr was their hunts- man. . A chapter on Coaching rounds off a book that will be as much admired by sportsmen as is the sporting career of

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