11 OCTOBER 2008, Page 22

A firm line on Medjugorje

Sir: It is good that the Vatican is finally taking a firmer line against the Medjugorje cult (‘Sex, lies and apparitions’, 4 October). Too many of my fellow Catholics have been throwing their money away to support this fraud, despite the definitive ruling in 1998 by Bishop Peric of Mostar that ‘the non-supernaturality of these events has been proved’.

I have in the past attended Masses where alleged ‘messages’ have been read out, implying that they have some kind of divine status, and where the non-existent ‘Our Lady of Medjugorje’ has been invoked. If Pope Benedict can stamp out this particular cult once and for all, he will have done the Church a great service.

Alan Pavelin

Chislehurst, Kent