11 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 3

The only point of interest which the French news cf

the past week presents, is the attempt of the journeymen printeis of Paris to putelown the machines ; an attempt which they have wisely

abandoned. On the 3rd, these men, with most abundant civility, it is admitted, waited on the proprietors of the Journal des Debuts,

and various other newspapers, to say that " they must not print

by machinery no longer.' The Constitationnel gamed a reprieve, but most of the rest did not appear next day, or in a sadly muti-

lated state, as if some of De VILLELE'S censors had been cutting up their articles. The workmen held a meeting on the 4th, when they determined to prosecute their plans; and they issued a cir- cular to that effect. Such folly, combined with the want of their breakfast accompaniment, seems at length to have roused the good sense of the people at large. The young men who had delivered the press from its shackles by their bravery, interfered with ad- vice, CHARLES D UP I N by argument, LAFAYETTE by expostulation, and the National Guard by something more palpable and con- vincing than any of these appeals ; and order was restored. The men have now returned to their regular employment, and the newspapers and the books are printed as they used to be. It has been ascertained that the rioters were stimulated, in their most in- defensible acts of violence, by hired agents of the ex-Government. Several gensdarmes in disguise were seized while exhorting them to mischief, and the discovery tended very much to restore tran- quillity. The workmen were indignant at the supposition that they were to be made the tools of a faction which they despised.

The anti-machine principle has also displayed itself at Rouen ; and was met in a similar spirit by the National Guard, who find- ing at length dil other means unavailing,, fired, and shot a couple of therioters. Quiet has prevailed there ever since. In these instances, we have not the Government interfering to put down the people, but the sound and sensible part of the people inter- fering to put down the turbulent and foolish part.

Some serious disturbances have occurred at Nismes, but these spring from other causes. At Rouen it is master and workman ; at Nismes it is Protestant and Catholic. The atrocities tacitly permit- ted in the department of the Garde at the mra of the Restoration, we on a late occasion alluded to. They are still fresh in the memory of the people of this country—how much more in those of thepeople of France? It might be supposed, where the adherents of the exiled fa- mily had been allowed to perpetrate murder unpunished, theywould make a struggle even in self-defence to maintain the old order of things. The National Guard around Nismes have acted with the same degree of promptitude and decision as elsewhere ; the riots are now suppressed. It is not, however, to be disguised that it may require years of legal sway to heal the divisions which the laxity, or rather the religious and political fanaticism of the late Monarch permitted to grow up in that quarter. In all the quarters of the kingdom, these two 'excepted, the most perfect tranquillity prevails. The news of the English recog- nition has been everywhere received with the liveliest satisfaction. Trade is reviving, and mutual confidence is restored.

The Chambers are proceeding in the work of regeneration, through good report and througebad. Projects of law for esta- blishing trial by jury in cases of delinquencies of the press—for the repeal oflicences in printing and publishing—for the better regula- tion of the municipalities—for the repeal of the infamous law of sacri- lege, and various others equally popular—have been introduced. The law respecting municipalities is of great length, consist- ing of one hundred articles. Its object is to abolish the system of centralization, by which the whole of the authorities high and low in the kingdom were converted into tools of the existing Ministry. National recompences to those who suffered in the fight of the Three Days, and to the surviving rela- tions of those who fell, have been resolved on. Reductions in the civil list, to the amount of four millions, have been effected. Still the people, at least the more enthusiastic part of them, are not satisfied. They call aloud for the dissolution of the Chamber, on the plea that, as at present constituted, it does not speak the voice of the people ; that it was elected under a different system, and by other constituents than those which the present charter recog- nizes; that it contains many members elected not even by the unbiassed votes of the old electors, but by the arts of the ex- Ministers. There is some force in these objections, and the Chamber will, in all probability,, find it convenient to listen to them by and by: in the mean time, we cannot join with those who blame their acts, for they appear to us to be at once patriotic and prudent. When the new law of election is in full operation, it is understood that the voters will be increased at least four-fokl. They will thus amount to about. four hundred thousand, or about one for every eighty souls • a small number, . but,. by the aid of the ballot-reef we may judge- of the future by the past—a singu- larly efficient one.

Complaint is made, in various places, of the droits reunis,—a sort of excise, from which the Bourbons premised to release the people, and kept their promise as the deceitful family had ever kept promises of good. It will probably be modified, if not wholly abelished.

Among the announcements of Ministers, there is one that • merits particular mention,—we mean the determination ofthe ICmg to take immediate steps for the recognition of the new states in

America. A commission has been nominated to arrange the man- ner of the recoenition and fro n the names of the members, we may be assured it will be satisthctory,—they are MOLE, MAUGIN, LAFFITTE, and LAFAYETTE !

An appointment has talceu place this week which has excited no small speeulation,—Prince TALLEYRAND is to be the new English Ambassador ! We can easily imagine the terror of my Lord ABERDEEN on learning this fact, and how he must shrink in the presence of the subtle, experienced, and witty 'Frenchman. On the appointment of the veteran TALLEYRAND, (he is now 76) the Morninz Chronicle remarks,- " In the first place, it cannot be considered as other than complimen- tary, that the French should play their great card (for so he clearly is) to

England, when there were so many other quarters where diplomatic rela- tions were much less clear and assured. Secondly, the fact itielf is no mean confirmation of the strength of the existing government in France. Every body knows that the No.poleoni=ts declared to the last, that they

should have infallibly succeeded, if only Talleyran'i hat joir:,.1. Thirdly, though the may be individtr:is in England bitterly hqe to the

establishment of French independence, who could rile Prince Tal- leyrand down at the head of a regiment of heavy horse, these same individuals are very likely to be kept in cheek by the acknowledged mental superiority of the veteran of continental dipiomacy. Fourthly and lastly, the Al;solutists in England have given tot ens, that either for these reasons, or some others, they very much dislike the appointment. After which, it may almost be permitted to wind up, like Euclid, with Which was to be demonstrated.' "

As a contrast to this panegyric of our contemporary, his accre- dited Parisian, after a long aeicle devoted to the castigation of the Ex-Bishop in which there is lather more point than soundness, says- " This Talleyra.ml, now named the Ambassador from France, or from the French King, to the English Court, will he betray Louis Philip? Will he join the party of the Duke of Bordeaux ? Will he embroil France with England—or England with Europe?"

On the plain showing of his enemies, that he has always had a steady eye to his own interests, and ever chosen the side of the stroneer, we should say he will do none of these things ; and if- the old man were so doting, the French people and their King are infinitely beyond the reach either of his power or his weakness. The National Guard is not to be negociated down.

We mentioned some time ago, that it was the intention of the Prince Royal to make a tour of the kingdom, in company with LAFAYETTE, for the purpose of inspecting the different corps of National Guards in the principal towns. He had signified his in- tention of presenting a stand of colours to the National Guard of Orleans ; but he will not be allowed. The Bishop has declared, that he will neither allow the Cathedral to be opened fir the con- secration, nor permit a clergyman of his diocese to attend for that purpose. The Prince may look to it. Is there no possibility of the Guard doing their duty while fighting under unconsecrated colours ?

- A grand dinner in honour of the English was given in Paris, at the Hotel de Ville, on the 1st instant. The Prefect, who was in the chair, toasted the English people. Dr. BOWRING / turned thanks for the compliment. Mr. W. HALDIMA.ND afterwards gave the health of General LAFAYETTE; to which the venerable patriot replied by drinking the mdmory of Mr. Fox. It had been intended that a deputation of the National Guard should visit London, to thank its inhabitants for their sympathy ; but it was represented that the visit might not prove agreeable to some of our great people ; and the idea was in consequence given up. The celebrated BERANGER was to have been one of the number.

The prospect of interference on the part of Russia, which pro- duced such a terrible alarm in Bartholomew Lane last week, has speedily disappeared. The case was as we stated it. The Em- peror acted on the first notices of the change. When he received a correct account of its extent and character, he immediately revoked the orders against admitting the trhcoloured flag into the harbour of Russia; and a courier has since arrived to state to M. Pozzo D/ BORGO that his new powers will be transmitted to him in a few days.