11 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 4

TnE KING.—His Majestyspends his time very pleasantly at Brighton. He

drives out—bathes at Mahomet's—dines, sups, breakfasts ; but, like all pleasant and peaceful lives, his Majesty's furnishes but little matter for the chronicles. He has done Mrs. Fitzherbert the honour of a visit; and this forms almost the only occurrence of the week. That amiable lady is, we believe, a general favourite with the Royal Family. The Duke of Cambridge has visited her repeatedly since he went to Brighton. —Ms Royal Highness is, it seems an excellent fiddler (musician, the circular calls it) ; and he fiddles three hours a-day. Happy unbendings of the great ! In the course of his rides the King has honoured Lady Nelson with a call. This is a meet tribute to the memory of the great- est of his Majesty's companions in arms, as well as his old and respected friend. It is rumoured that his Majesty intends to pay Tibury fort a visit previous to returning to London. The people of Chelmsford say he will be invited to rechristen the town of Gravesend, and thus give it a more cheerful name. This is silly trash. If every successive King be called on to give new names to towns, we shall soon be obliged to con- sult a topographical gazetteer for the title of our own. What more me- lancholy is there in Gravesend than in Paradise Row—which is the Christian name for Grave's end ? Another rumour sends his Majesty to Portsmouth. We have only to wish him smiling skies ; he has all the other requisites of a happy tour in him and around him—a cheerful mind, and an affectionate people.

THE DUKE or SossEx.--We have remarked with regret, that his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex has not been so much with his Ma- jesty as usual lately; and it has been whispered that his Royal Highness has resigned the Rangership of Windsor Park. We hope this is not true. We are confident the country will join-in our feeling, that the present times are such as to make it deeply important to see the, Sove- reign supported by the cordial and constant association of men whose whole lives have been politically consistent and constitutionaL—Globe. [There seems to be some dispute about the relations of Ms Royal

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Highness and the King, as well as about the movements of the former The Duke acted for his Majesty in presenting the charter to the Artillery Company the other slay ;—this indicates no estrangement. And it has been explained that the Rangership, not having any salary attached to it, and being in fact only a source of expense to its possessor, his Majesty. his not pressed it on the 'acceptance of his brother. The lodge is very much out or repair; and it has been considered preferable to assign the sum which must have gone to repair it, to the refitting of his Royal Highnesses apartments at Kensington. It is stated in the Brighton papers and letters, that his Royal Highness is daily expected at the Pa- vilion; and the Court Journal, published at six o'clock this mornina. states thathe set out " this morning" for Wales. He must have startai early ! His Royal Highness, the same paper adds means previous to his return " to pay his annual sojourn at Newstead Abbey."]