11 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 8

MYSTERIOUS DEATH.—A paragraph, SO headed, has been figuring in the

journals for some days past. It seems that a lady, who had been long very ill, was found dead On Monday morning in her lodgings, 24, Canterbury Place, Lambeth ; with her daughter, a female nearly forty years of age, lying in the same bed with the dead body, and apparently in a state of. insensibility. The daughter, on recovering, stated that her mother had been dead several hours ; that she had been much alarmed, and had swallowed the contents of a phial, which she took to be lavender, and it had made her insensible. The stomach-pump was used, on the supposition that she had by mistake swallowedlaudanum ; which, how- ever, was not confirmed. The case was an extremely interesting one for the

• paragraph-spinners, and they set their pencils to work to make the best of

it. There was coagulated blood o,n the pillow, and other matters not mentioned, which indicated a., violent, death ! The inquest sat on the mysterious affair on Wednesday ; and then it was proved that there was no mystery; at all. The poor woman had evidently died of -apoplexy, and a verdict was given accordingly. It seems probable that the daughter had swallowed lavender, as she supposed, and the spirit had stupified her.

EXTREME DISTRESS.-011 Sunday morning, a iniserable '

female re- siding in Jones Court, Bainbridge Street, St. Giles's, was delivered of a child in the street! She had been daserted by her husband, was desti- tute of the means of procuring assistance, and was at the moment when the pangs of labour came upon her, endeavouring to crawl to the work- house. The infant, we may perhaps say fortunately, was still-born.

De.owsma.—Mr. H. Weatherald, paper-maker, near Macham, was found drowned in the Ouse,-near York, on Friday last week. He had been in York the previous evening. Some keelmen found the, body floating in the river; but instead of taking it into the keel, they threw a rope round it, and towed it. behind them like a piece of wood to Na- burn, where they handed it over to the ferryman ! Mr. Weatherald had been married only four months.

WHIRLIVINDS.—Some of these phmnoraena have been exhibiting for

the amusement of the people of Scotland. In one case a" swirl" bore aloft a quantity of clothes from a bleaching-green near Alloa, part of which it,dropped in the Forth. A handkerchief flew off at a tangent, and never was seen again. Such accidents now and then happen in more southern latitudes—handkerchiefs occasionally disappear even in the Strand, and no one can tell where they go to. In another, a gentle- man's umbrella was carried aloft from the top of Demyat (a hill near Alloa), until to its astonished owner it appeared no larger than a mere speck. What renders the aMal flight of the umbrella the more wonder- ful, it both ascended and descended in an inverted position.

THE ELEPMANT'S MISDEMEANOUR—An inquest was held at Igor- petit, on the 27th 'ult. on the body of the Italian, named Baptiste Ber- nard, who was one of the attendants on the female elephant which lately performed at the Adelphi. It appeared from the evidence, that the man had stabbed the elephant in the trunk with apitchfork, about two years ago ; and that, on the Tuesday evening, previous to the inquest, the animal caught hold of him with her trunk, and did him so much injury that he died on the succeeding day. Verdict—" Died from wounds and bruises received from the trunk of an elephant ;—deodand fir." ' FIRES.—Mr. Perkins's hat-block manufactory, Little Guildford Street, Southwark, and four small houses adjoining, were destroyed by fire on Sunday evening. On Monday morning a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Jones, paper- hanger, Leadenhall Street ; and the house, with the whole of the valuable property, was consumed: 'The flames communicated to Mr. Haile's, prinbseller, to Mr. Alexander's' musical instrument maker, 'and to the

ll Golden Anchor public-hoine, all which were much damaged.

DEATH PROM FOUL Ain.—W. Smith and his son were, killed on Tuesday at Henley, by Incautiously entering an empty ,beer-vat, con- taining foul air. Verdict;-" Accidentally suffocated.”. . FALLEN GREATwEss.=As the workmen were hoisting the statue of George III. for the purpose of placing it in its niche at the Royal Ex- change on Thursday, one of the ropes by. which it was supported broke, and the statue fell down on the pavement, from a height of about ten feet. The workmen and spectators escaped unhurt; but the statue itself has been severely injured, one of the legs being completely shattered, and a part of the pedestal broken. The statue is full eight feet high, and weighs probably a ton and a half.