11 SEPTEMBER 1847, Page 9

Some of the newspapers announced last week that Jenny Lind

had been engaged for next season at Her Majesty's Theatre. We passed the state- ment by, until it should be confirmed: but this week we learn, from more unquestionable authority, that Mademoiselle Lind is engaged for the next season. It is fortunate to know this, for a certainty, so long in advance: with six months for preparation, and the miserable attempts to prevent her appearance at all in this country set at rest, Mr. Lumley will be able to produce his operas in more variety and with greater completeness: the "Swedish Nightingale" alone, or rather with the drawback of indifferent "getting up," filled the house for one season; but mere curiosity has now been sated, and the cultivated taste of the usual audience belonging tp the Operahouse will demand preparations more worthy of the chief artist.