11 SEPTEMBER 1852, Page 9

The Piednwnteae Gazelle of the 6th registers the diplomatic changes

previously foreshadowed by the Turin press. M. Provano de Collegno is replaced at Paris by the Marquis di Villamarina ; M. Picolet d'Hermillon goes to Madrid, in the room of M. de Launay, appointed to Berne.

" Austria," says the Conatitutionnel, "has just made an additional step in her attempts to absorb all the petty States in a commercial and cus- toms union. The Duchy of Parma, which had long repulsed the propo- sitions of Austria, has at length acceded to them. A treaty has been signed, and Baron Ward has left Parma for Vienna to exchange ratifica- tions. Ho was to have arrived there on the 6th instant"