11 SEPTEMBER 1858, Page 9



The English Stock Market has again shown increased buoyancy, and an improvement of / per cent has been established on last week's prices. The markets, however, continue to be thinly attended, and there is still an ab- sence of speculative business, but with a larger amount of real investments. Money on the Stock Exchange is very abundant, and the terms for loans on Crovernment Securities are only about 1 to 11 per cent. The instalments due on the new Turkish Scrip on Wednesday did not create the pressure ex- pected, and the Money Market was not even temporarily affected. On Monday, the first price in Consols for September was 961 961; a slight reaction occurred during the day, owing to transactions in connection with the late Account ; a recovery took place immedi- ately after the Settling, of 1 per cent, and although there has not been any greaty activity there is an extraordinary firmness all round, and a ten- dency to still higher quotations. The tone of the Consol Market has been .ereatly influenced by the continuous receipt of better prices from the Paris Bourse. The Scrip of the Indian Loan, second issue now quoted 981 98'; Consols for 12th October, 97/ 974; Bank Stock ' is the Account marks 2291. The attention of the dealers in the Foreign Stock Market has been almost exclusively occupied by the new Turkish Six per Cent Loan, which has experienced some severe fluctuations ; the Market opened on Monday morn- ing at 4 discount, and remained quiet till the afternoon, when upon some adverse rumours being propagated, the Scrip receded to 1 discount. On Tuesday there was another fall of nearly 1 per cent ; this low figure induced several purchases and many of the "Bears" realized ; a rally took place, and the price lilts since been steadily improving till it is now quoted par to 1 premium. Other securities have been comparatively neglected. Peruvian Stock is good at the price, 891 901. Pur- chases for the Sinking Fund continuing to be made, the Three per Cent Stock closes 691 704; and the Dollar Bonds, 76 78. Buenos Ayres is steady at 78 80' and Mexican 214 214; Turkish Four per Cent leaves off 104 1041; Venezuela Active, 38 39; Grenada Active, 21 22' Buenos Ayres Deferred, 16 17; Chilian, 101 106. Therein not much doing at the close today, the absence of the Jews momentarily checking business. The business of the Railway Share Market has not been of an extensive character, but in sympathy with the firm tone exhibited in the Consol Market, there has been a decided improvement in most stocks and shares, the market closing today with much firm- ness, but with little or no busines passing. Ifidland, Lancashire, and Yorkshire, and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, show an ad- vance of 11 per cent; Great Western, 504 501, about 4 per cent; in other things the rise averages 108. to 15s. per share ; North British closes 551 MI; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 931 934; London and North-Western, 88 884 ; London and South-Western, 92 924' Midland, 954 96; Caledonian, 411 414; London-and Brighton 1081 1094; South-Eastern and Dover, 211 211 ; Sheffield, 3'34 344; Eastern Counties, 11/ 12. The French Share Market has been active, a good deal of business having been transacted du- ring the week at higher rates, the market is especially good today, in consequence of the unprecedented Bank return and improving traffics. Northern of France, 38 384; Paris and Lyons, 33 331 ; Paris and Stras- kurffl 291 304. The Atlantic Telegraph Shares have fallen to 500/. per share since the late interruption to the working of the cable, Red Sea Shares are 44 prem, and the Indian and Australian 44 prem.

The Customs duties received at Bristol for the month ending the 31st of August last amounted to 111,1891. 78. 7d. and were the largest receipt for the month on record at this port.

The general business of the port of London during the past week was not

wen' active. The number of ships reported inward was 183; and those cleared outward amounted to 146, including 29 in ballast. Of those now on the berth loading outward 55 are for the Australian colonies, 7 for Vancou- ver's Island, 1 for San Francisco, and 7 for China.

The suspension has been announced of Messrs. Archibald Montgomery and Co. Australian merchants, with liabilities for about 60,000/. The dis-

in London Liverpool

aster is consequent upon the recent stoppages in the Honduras timber trade

and . It is stated that the unfortunate creditors of the Tipperary Bank swindle yho landed to the chance of settlement by compositions have received two dividends, amounting together to 38. 6d. in the pound.

The Ceylon journals contain a long account of the proceedings at the cutting of the first sod of the Ceylon Railway, which was performed on the 3d August by the Governor, in the presence of about 8000 persons.

The stoppage of Messrs. John Plowes and Co., an old and very respect- able firm in the Brazilian trade, was announced on Tuesday. It appears that the last South American mail brought them intelligence of their hav- ing been led into unexpected commitments at Buenos Ayres by a partner in their Rio house, and that in the uncertainty as to the extent of these opera- tions it has been deemed necessary to suspend.

A tender of Messrs. Brasses, Emsley, Withes, and Co., has been accepted on Tuesday for the construction of the first section (112 miles) of the East- ern Bengal Railway.

The Manchester Guardian announces the suspension of the firm of Par- dee, Hoomans, and Co., carpet manufacturers, of Kidderminster, with lia- bilities reported at 80,00W. to 100,000/. The assets, consisting of trade buildings, plant, &c., are stated to be large.