11 SEPTEMBER 1880, Page 1


GENERAL ROBERTS has extricated the Government from the Afghan quagmire. His splendid march into space has been followed by a brilliant victory. After his arrival near Canda- bar, he waited three days to recruit his troops, closely reconnoitred Ayoub's camp through General Hugh Gough and Colonel Chap- man, and found that it was possible to employ his usual strategy, and turn the enemy's right. On September 1st, therefore, direct. ing General Primrose's force to make a feint against the direct pass through the Baba Wall ridge, behind which Ayoub lay, ha despatched two brigades to force a pass on the right and carry Ayoub's central position. This was done in splendid style, the infantry storming two bravely defended villages, and twenty-seven of Ayoub's guns were seized. The Afghans then fled precipitately, dividing into two parties, the Cabulee soldiers making for Cabul and the Heratees for the Helmund. The latter were sharply pursued by the cavalry, though not far ; and it is known that the army, de- feated, dispersed, without guns, for all were finally abandoned, and without a leader, for Ayoub has fled on to Herat, is virtually extinct. The war is, in fact, over. General Phayre's force, which had begun to advance, has been ordered back to Quetta, and Sir F. Roberts only awaits orders as to the disposal of Candahar.