11 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 14



Sra,—My occupation and religious-social connexions bring me into contact with large numbers of working men of different political opinions, and from my observations I am convinced that if a General Election were fought on the Budget working men would overwhelmingly vote in favour of it. Therefore I believe it behoves the Conservative Party not to force an Election which would be run solely on this issue. As a Tariff • Reformer, I naturally wish my party to enter into power at the earliest possible moment, but I fear that to rush an Election at the present time, and on this one issue, would be fatal. As an example of what is taking place at the present time, at the recent by-election when Mr. Joynson-Hicks successfully opposed Mr. Churchill in North-West Manchester, I knew of two working men who worked very hard for his return. To-day these same men are doing all they can in support of the Budget; and these are not isolated cases, but are quite common amongst working men.—I am, Sir, &c., W. T. ROBERTSRAM.

Oak House, Woodlands Road, Cheetham, Hill