11 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 2

The Times, which has published two very interesting articles with

a view to. minimising the financial difficulties involved in the rejection of Lhe Budget by the Lords, in its "Political Notes" on Wednesday also calls attention to the Government's change of tactics, which it attributes to divided counsels. That the Unionist leaders fully realise the need of concentrating all the anti-Socialist forces is shown by the Times' announcement that the dispute in East Marylebone is in a fair way to be com- posed by the withdrawal of Tariff Reform opposition to Lord Robert Cecil. The Standard of Thursday welcomes as " on the eve of completion" a compact between the Tariff Reformers and Unionist Free-traders which will secure Lord Robert Cecil, Mr. Bowles, Mr. Lambton, and Mr. Abel Smith against Tariff Reform opposition in their constituencies. On the other hand, the Morning Post maintains its attitude of uncompromising hostility towards the Unionist Free-traders, condemning as a betrayal any effort, such as the compact already referred to, to secure " a united front at the cost of essential principles," and declares that the Budget can be fought successfully " only by advocating the Tariff Reform alternative in season and out of season, whole-heartedly and with unwavering faith."