11 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 2

Further naval news comes from Canton where the so-called "

strike pickets " that attempt to enforce the boycott of Hang-Kong began firing .on the traffic between there and Shameen, the foreign settlement which is-British property, in the mouth of the river. Last Saturday a party of marines -landed on a wharf .from -which had come much of the firing. British gunboats have also fired there and the Cantonese Government has protested to the Consul. On the water " pickets " are to be regarded as pirates. Other disconnected items of news are that the French stocks of petroleum at Canton were seized by the strikers -last week ; that Chang Tso-lip's naval and military forces in Manchuria have been struggl- ing with the Soviet forces over the Chinese Eastern Railway ; and that Karakhan, the Soviet agent, is leaving China for Moscow.