11 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 1

On Tuesday the Central Committee of the Mining Association considered

Mr. Churchill's statement. A letter was sent to the Government saying that the Committee " fully endorsed the views " that had been expressed on their behalf by Mr. Evan Williams but that they agreed " in deference to the appeal by the Chancellor of the Exchequer " to refer the matter to the districts. On Wednesday Mr. Churchill _sent a letter to Mr. Evan Williams which carefully described a possible framework for fitting district settlements into .a national scheme. It was noticeable how closely the ideas followed those of the Coal Commission. We whole- heartedly support Mr. Churchill's intentions and we congratulate him on the force with which he has presented the issue. The evidence seems to us conclusively to confirm his contention that the Govern- ment never abandoned a national settlement. Mr. Churchill has revealed that they relied upon certain assurances from the Miners' Association on this point as a substitute for inserting limiting conditions in the Hours Bill. * * *