11 SEPTEMBER 1936, Page 19


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sni,—In the " News of the Week " regarding the Palestine crisis you say in The Spectator of September 4th : " Signs of sympathy, if not actual solidarity, with the Palestinian Arabs on the part not merely of Transjordania but of Arab States like Iraq and Nejd and Yamen are a development not to be disregarded." Is there any particular reason why the Indian Moslem community has been exclUded from your list ? The Indian Mohamm"dans have been doing everything in their power to bring pressure to bear on the Government of India so that it might, in turn, influence the Government of this country to concede that which the Arabs took up arms to win.—Yours faithfully, M. S. AHMED. (Unpaid Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Osmania University, Hyderabad-Deccan, India.) 71 Rustlings Road, Sheffield, 11.