11 SEPTEMBER 1936, Page 19

,[To the Editor of THE Sus,I can only thank your

correspondent, Professor Harvey, for so promptly_ (and competently) providing my letter of August 28th with its foil.. , For the rest, he warms himself at his .own fire,if he does not 'exactly consume his own smoke 1 And, as to, the "resident in ,Spain of undoubted veracity and experience " who communicated. to " an, English religious weekly', the shouts from Spanish Patriot streets of " Long live the Inquisiticn ! "—I can only say that against this,. remarkable ebullitir n I feel obliged to play my conununication from " an impartial observer," riz., that he heard in Barcelona (or was, it Madrid, ?), g.'oups of Red " killers " continually shouting " Long live the Binomial Theorem ! " and " Quadratic Equations involving Three Unknowns ! "—Yours