11 SEPTEMBER 1959, Page 22


SIR,—Since I mooted the formation of the N01 Abatement Society I have received thousands , poignant letters from all parts, and I sympall11.1 deeply with those who suffer agonies through nco. . . and just can't get away from. it. Noise is ugly, wasteful, unintelligent. Noise is killer and is responsible for thousands of entries 111 mental hospitals. On behalf of millions of sufferers. I appeali' Those About To Make A NoiSe . . . DON'T!

' sacrifice will make you feel good and happy.

The Noise Menace CAN and MUST be seta !" out, and 1 invite sufferers and sympathisers to in a great NATIONAL ANTI-NOISE CAMPAIGN We want to establish an Action Branch with 1° President in every town and village in the cotfl Everybody who is willing to help in any way. PI, write to me at once. As this is a voluntary effort' stamped addressed envelope will be appreciated' Yours faithfully, JOHN cONs

Noise Abatement Society, 6 Old Bond Street, WI