11 SEPTEMBER 1959, Page 28


Solution on September 25 ACROSS 1 'Keen as are the arrows Of that silver —' (Shelley) (6)

4 A pair to obstruct, though orna- mental (8) 10 All iced, but has a softening effect (7) 11 Storm in a breakfast cup about a guinea-fowl ? (7)

12 Black sheep? That's rum! (4) 13 Oh, I don't care to harmonise (10) 16, Nap can be got up with this (6) 17 It's still to be dealt with about the water supply (7) 20 It's in a mast for strength (7) 21 Debate about a child (6)

24 Fair game for monkeys? (7-3)

25 One of the chosen people, apparently (4)

27 Does 25 say he plucked this flower? (7) 29 'Back to its — call the fleeting breath' (Gray) (7)

30 Support the principal when he gets a let-up (4-4) 31 Fruit, please, Mother! (6) DOWN 1 Wine-casks? (8)

2 A British duc has a literary flavour (11)

3 It's exceptionally proved (4) 5 Newsman concerned about liquor

6 Ha) ve the ability, performed, and had a brush-up; they ought to

win! (10) 7 So might I, standing on this pleasant —' (Wordsworth) (3)

8 Tied to mother's apron-strings, so drove slowly? (6) 9 Nomad goes north (5) 14 Stoic gamins in a state of un- awareness (11) 15 A spell in a mountain? Must come to an end (10) 18 Cardigan is undoubtedly one of their favourite haunts (8) 19 Where the golfer is seen to set an example? (8)

22 This man can certainly hold his liquor! (6) 23 You'll find him in the grip of a Writer to the Signet (5)

26 You get little change out of her! (4) 28 '0 mother —, many-fountaincd —' (Tennyson) (3) A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Sept. 22. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1054, 99 Gower St., London, WC1,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

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