12 APRIL 1834, Page 6


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April 18:33 and 5th April 1834; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.

Increase, Decrease.

320,372 1521430 53,000 46,339 572,511 538.508 34,033

Quarters 0111

1333. ed 5th April 1s34.

Customs 3,417.250 3603.267 Exeise 2,000,575 2,703,561 Stamp:


1,671,450 Taxi, 509,563 433,351

346,000 331,000 Miscellaneous 16,478 11,935

Total Onlinary Revenue I 8,473.904


Dupre,* and other Monies, ill. eluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works 1

77,364 12°,161 Total Income ; 8.55108 8,935,375

IDeduct Deer. .0 Increase on the Quarter Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fond, in the Quarters ended 5th April IS33 and lteD.


I 'ustoms

Excise Stamps I' ,l otliee 3.1i,ellancotts Tontine Money

To Cash brought to this Account to replace the like Sum issued, or to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund ill Ireland for Supply and other Service.

To Cash brought to this Account from the Civil List, Sup plies, &.c CHARGE. Quarters ended 1143.1.

April 5.


..0 3,015.629 2.6011.575 1,533,3 41.1 510,563 346,11110 31.999

3 60,767 2.643,832 1.6;1.450 4;43,351 313,000 23,736 14037,616

• •

456,805 8,781,136 341,551 8,514,451 Quarters Cl 1833.

9,122,690 ,lid April 5,


Permanent Debt 3,814,663 3,793,059 'Terminable Annuities 1,270,1370 1,300,324

Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to nteet the Charge on the

Consolidated Fund


14,962 Sinking Fund 156,6-9 223,27/

Civil list

127,500 127,500

Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil Government Services, formerly pahl out of the Civil List, or the hereditary Revenues of the Crown

993,650 455,895 Total Charge 5.6:l7,137 5.920.000 Surplus



9,514451 9,122,690

Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consoli dated Fond for the Quarter ended, and paid off out of the growing produce of that Fund for the Quarter ended 5th

April 1834


Amount issued in the Quarterended 5th April 1334, in part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated

Fund, for Supply Services 2,916,901

The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th

April 1834 3,202,690 295,789

The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet

Clue charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5t1 April 1834

• •


Years ended 1s33.

5th April 1S31.

Customs 15.516,254 15,133,005 Excise 14,6235;6 14,943,943 St antp. 6,433,268 6,536,093 Taxes 5,003,855 Ls65,846 Post &bee 1.321,000 137411140 AIisvellatieutts 69,190 51910 Total Ordinary Revenue 42,967,143 42951,1437 Imprest and other Nlonies, in- eluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Piddle Works 319,776 366,115 Total Income 43,285.919 43,320,952 Deduct Decrease Increase im the Year Increase.

427,519 43,405 384,107 186,017 11:2,9 •6 87,412 51,07 538,508 Decrease. A 3s3,249



43,405 26.212 12,000 5,193