12 APRIL 1851, Page 8


A Committee, composed of Military, Naval, and Commissariat officers, is sitting at the Treasury, for the revision of naval and military establish- ments abroad. They have already reported on Malta ; and it seems much improvement is likely to result from their labours, not only in pecuniary saving, but in improving the condition of the soldier, fresh meat being proposed to be supplied more frequently than formerly ; in discontinuing stores of salt meat, and prospective reduction of civilians now employed, including some of the Commissariat officers and clerks,— United Service Gazette.

Colonel George Griffiths Lewis, C.B., Royal Engineers, has been ap- pointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Royal Military Academy at Wool- wich, in place of the late Major-General Parker.

The Globe states, that Mr. Joseph Howe, the member of the Executive Council of Nova Scotia who has been some time in this country on a mission to obtain the assistance of the Imperial Government in promoting emigration to British North America and in making railways there, has gone back with the offer of a loan of six millions from this country, at the interest of 63 per cent, to be paid by the Colonial Government.

A joint-stock company is about to be formed under the auspices of in- fluential parties in the City, for manufacturing iron and steel in India.— Standard.

The following is the letter alluded to in our last Postscript, addressed by Sir George Grey to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the Queen's re- ception of the address on the Papal Aggression signed by 230,000 lay members of the Church of England. " Whitehall, 1st April 1851.

"My Lord Archbishop—I have received the Queen's commands to transmit to your Grace the accompanying address, which has been presented to her Majesty, signed by a very large number of lay members of the United Church of England and Ireland, including many members of both Houses of Par- liament.

"Her Majesty places full confidence in your Grace's desire to use such means as are within your power to maintain the purity of the doctrines taught by the clergy of the Established Church, and to discourage and pre- vent innovations in the modes of conducting the services of the Church not sanctioned by law or general usage, and calculated to create dissatisfaction and alarm among a numerous body of its members. "I am therefore commanded to place this address in your Grace's hands ; and to request that it may be communicated to the Archbishop of York, and to the Sufliagan Bishops in England and Wales ; who, her Majesty does not doubt, will concur with your Grace in the endeavour, by a judicious exercise of their authority and influence, to uphold the purity and simplicity of the faith and worship of our Reformed Church, and to reconcile differences among its members injurious to its peace and usefulness. "I have the honour to be, my Lord Archbishop, your Grace's obedient servant, G. GREY." "His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury."

Early in the week, the Morning _Herald stated that "the elder brother of the Bishop of Oxford," Mr. Manning, the resigned Archdeacon, and Mr. J. B. Hope, Q.C., had joined the Roman Catholic Church. On Thursday, the same journal, on authority, contradicted the statement so far as it related to Mr. Wilberforce.

General Elapka has written from Paris to the _Daily News, correcting some errors of fact which Lord Lyndhurst laboured under when he made his statement on the 29th of March respecting foreign refugees in this country. General Klapka has not been in London for more than a twelvemonth ; he is not one of the leaders, nor even a member, of any of the committees Lord Lyndhurst mentioned ; and he never addressed a proclamation to the Hungarian soldiers in Italy calling on them to desert their ranks.

"Nobody who knows my character will think me capable of an advice calculated, under the present circumstances, to sacrifice and deliver those unfortunates to ruin and still greater misery. I declare any proclamation of the kind, if there be any, as altogether false, or trumped up, perhaps, by the

agents of the Austrian police So far from being overawed by such and similar proceedings, and the despicable snares of the Rum-Austrian police, I shall never cease doing what I hold suitable to the interest and deliverance of my oppressed and unhappy fatherland, as far as I can do so without vio- lating the laws of that country where I met with a hospitable reception." Twenty-eight French Republican refugees resident in London—in- cluding M. Ledru-Rollin, M. C. Deleseluze, M. E. M. de Montjau, and M. Ribeyrolles—have addressed through the Times a declaration to the English people, stating that "the expulsion of the Republican exiles from Switzerland, on the threats of Russia, Austria, and Prussia, is now sought to be accomplished as regards England by trickery on the part of these powers."

They state—" At the moment when the Governments of Europe demand of the British Cabinet that we shall be put out of the pale of humanity, the mercenary journals of the counter-Revolution in France redouble their ac- customed violence against us; and two individuals unite to accuse us of the basest and most detestable designs." One of these two individuals is a Frenchman, "who is not a political refugee, though he has assumed that title, and whose coming to this country has not to our knowledge been sa- tisfactorily accounted for." "This individual after having made before a Police Magistrate various allegations of a most odious character against us, has since, in an official examination made by order of the superior authori- ties, been obliged to deny their truth." "The other is a native of this coun- try, who has forfeited the confidence of the political party whose cause he pretends to espouse, and who seeks to recover his lost popularity by exciting among the masses old and nearly forgotten international hatreds. The ante- cedents of this individual were, however, so well known to us, that not one among us would enter into any communication with him, notwithstanding all the advances he has made to that effect ; which is no doubt our inexpiable crime in his eyes : but the English public will have no difficulty in divining that, without our being either assassins or incendiaries, we may be fully jus- . tided in regarding with distrust such a false Democrat as Mr. Feargus O'Connor." "Whosoever attributes to us designs such as those individuals have attributed to us, or in any manner similar to them, is a vile slanderer." "We may be calumniated, but the world will never believe that men the very first act of whose advent to power was the destruction of the scaffold—men who accomplished a great revolution without shedding a single drop of blood, without committing an act of violence, without imprisonment, and without confiscation,—the world will never believe that we are assassins or incen- diaries," There has been published a very interesting correspondence between the Marquis of Londonderry and the President of the French Republic, in reference to the captivity of Abd-el-Kader. The letters are accom- panied by one from the Marquis to the Earl of Glengall in this country, describing the circumstances which gave rise to them.

Feeling a high admiration for the character of the unfortunate Arab chief, and a deep sympathy for him in his captivity in the lonely old Château d'Amboise on the banks of the Loire, Lord Londonderry, with much trouble, obtained permission from the French Minister of War to pay his respects to the Emir. After obtaining the rarely-granted permission, he with much ad- ditional difficulty gained the interior of the château. He describes the in- terview— " We followed an Algerian slave, who led us through the winding terraces of the garden, which are clothed with tall cypress and other trees, to the most elevated part of the chateau; when passing through an outward ante-hall or guard-chamber we came to a door where all shoes, 8cc.. were left. Upon this door being thrown open, the interesting old warrior stood before us—his burnous as white as the driven snow, his beard as black as jet, his projecting large eyebrows of the same hue, with teeth like ivory, and most expressive dark eyes, showing peculiarly the white liquid tinge surrounding the pupils. His stature is tall and commanding, his gestures, softness and amiability of expression, almost inexplicable. Upon my approaching him, the Emir held out a very large, bony, and deep brown hand to me; which when I grasped

he turned to lead me to the sofa and the seats prepared at the head of the room.' , The result of the interview was that the old warrior made interest with the Marquis, knowing that he had been on terms of friendship with the Presi- dent of the Republic, to obtain an interview with Louis Napoleon and that the English soldier promised to " try." The correspondence itself shows with what tact and good feeling he made the attempt. " Tours, March 8, 1851.

"Pardon me, my Prince, if I take the liberty to write to you: past time emboldens me, the present moment inspires me with overpowering impulse. With the permis- sion of the Minister of War, I was admitted to an audience with the interesting cap- tive of France, the brave Abd-el-Kader. The sympathy of every soldier, who has served during a long life, always impels him to honour illustrious chiefs, even wheu they are enemies; and I cannot express the sentiments of admiration and commiser- ation I have felt in a rather long interview with the ex-Emir. " In addressing this petition to your Highness. I commence by supplicating you not to accuse me of presumption, and to be well persuaded that I believe I have no right to interfere in so grave an affair. I have the conviction that the Government of the French Republic and its President retain the Emir prisoner for the interest of the civilized world. It is a sufficiently remarkable circumstance, that the person who now presents himself before you, to obtain some solace and consideration for this illustrious prisoner, is he who addressed, in favour of the present President of the Republic the same demand to the King Louis Philippe whilst the President was a prisoner at Ham. My prayer is, that the painful and unfortunate life of Abd-cl- Kader should be taken into consideration. Can it be believed that the liberty ac- corded to an old man, bowed down by his misfortunes, his chagrins, and his losses, can ever injure in the slightest degree the great and powerful nation that now keeps him captive, in a manner that wounds the hearts of those who honour the warrior yet more in his adversity than in his prosperity? Believe, my Prince, that I have the very positive conviction, that even if the slightest danger could result from placing Abd-el-Kader in liberty, it would be more than a thousand times compen- sated by the glory that would be showered on the French nation by this act of generosity. " At present, my Prince, I shall conclude by giving you a summary of his position. On the summit of a mountain, on the borders of the Loire, the Chateau d'Am- boise offers to the Emir no facilities for carriage or equestrian exercise : the sadness of the old edifice, the sole society of the commandant and the guard, can offer him an resource ; the gardens and the ramparts form his sole promenades. The prisoner offered me a small cup of tea : this offering and his conversation was full of an tin- expressible grace and grandeur. "At last? arrive at his demand, at the promise I have made to him; and I hope from your goodness the power to show him that I have not forgotten his commission. ' He has prayed of me to demand of you, in the name of the old friendship he knows you have for me, to grant him an audience when it will be possible for you. He has ' also expressed the desire that I should accompany him to your presence. I have, my Prince, fulfilled the duty of an old soldier of her Britannic Majesty. My aim is to serve your glory in liberating a great warrior. If I succeed, it will be one of the greatest glories of my life ; if I do not succeed, I shall have nothing with which to. reproach myself in having made the attempt.

" I have the honour to be, Monseigneur, your very humble servant,


ElySee National, March 29, 1851.

"My dear Marquis—I have not sooner replied to your letter written to me from Tours, because I did not know where to address my reply, and I hoped soon to see you in Paris. "That which you tell me of the Endr Abd-el-Kader has greatly interested me ; and I find markedly, in your solicitude for him, the same generous heart that inter- ceded some years since in favour of the prisoner of Ham.

" I confess to you, that from the first day of my election, the captivity of Abd-el- Rader has not ceased to occupy me, and to weigh like a burden upon my heart. I have also often been occupied in seeking for the means that would permit me to place him at liberty without risking a compromise of the repose of Algeria and the security of our soldiers and colonists.

"Today even, the new Ambassador, who is about to repair to Constantinople, is chame, d by me to study this question ; and believe me, my dear Marquis, no person will be more happy than I, when it will be permitted to me to render liberty to Abd- el-Kader. "I shall be very glad to see the Emir, but I can only see him to announce good news : I am therefore, until that period arrives, deprived of the possibility of grant- big his request. " Receive, my dear Marquis, the assurance of my intimate and high consideration

and friendship. LOUIS NAPOLEON." "Pan, April 1, 1851. "Allow me, my dear Prince, to assure you that the letter I have this instant re- ceived from your Highness, from your own hand, has given me so lively a sentiment of pleasure and gratitude, that during all my life the impression will remain inefface- able. Your expressions show the honour and uprightness of your character. The same in prosperity as in adversity—frank, noble, benevolent, chivalrous, magnani- mous, and well resolved to act according to the great principle of humanity, `Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.' " The future of Abd-el-Kader is in your hands, and in those of the nation you govern. For the happy result of my undertaking I repose in you an unlimited con- fidence. May the fate of Abd-el-Kader become, through you, as peaceable as your own will be glorious. Such is the ardent wish of him who has the honour to assure you still, as formerly, of his greatest and high consideration, friendship, and personal. devotion. VANE LONDONDERRY." •• To the President of the French Republic."

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.

Ten Weeks Week.

of 1841-50. of 1851._ Zymolle Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat Tubercular Diseases Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses

Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels

Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion Diseases of the kidneys, fic Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Se Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Smuts, Se Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Ac Malformations Premature Birth Atrophy Age Sudden Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance

Total (haelatIng unspecified causes)

1,658 .... 180 488 .... 47 1,769 207 1,240 123 331 .... 85 1,651 .... 220 557 .... 65 93 ....



13 1 242


155 .... 95 531 .... 41 161 11 307 81 DAM 1.0511

A society has been formed at Paris, under the patronage of the Archbishop, to supply bread to the poorer classes 25 per cent under the regular price. An invention has been patented for constructing casks, barrels, puncheons, and everything in the cooperage line, in a space of time which literally baf- fles belief. One of the machines is at present in operation at the St. Rollos works. We have inspected it, and were certainly astonished to find the staves of an ordinary-sized cask prepared, put together, and headed, in little more than ten minutes. The thing was perfect—the cutting and jointing were done with mathematical precision, and all the hands had really to do was, to arrange the staves and fix the heads; all the rest was accomplished by machinery, and with so little trouble that the article was finished before one could fancy that a hoop was on. The mechanism, like that of almost all important inventions, is exceedingly simple ; the only wonder is, when it is examined, how so clear and easy a mode of doing a great deal of work with a very small amount of labour has not been hit upon before now.— Glasgow Daily

We understand that the greater portion of the timber standing in Hain- ault, Epping, and Waltham Forests, will be cut down during the ensu- ing year, and the land will be enclosed, and either brought into cultivation or,disposed of; as the revenues arising from them and some other Crown lands are hardly sufficient to meet the expenses incidental to their manage- ment.—Chelmsford Chronicle.

On the 1st of August last, the merchant-schooner Secret, Captain Jamison, was at anchor in Rueheanina Bay, New Georgian group, when four of the crew mutinied, and, joining the natives who were on board, took possession of the schooner, which they kept for upwards of an hour. The captain and mate were in the cabin ; and by keeping up a regular fire through the sky- lights, they killed the native chief, and succeeded in clearing the deck of the mutineers and their allies, who jumped overboard and swam ashore. The captain and mate now went on deck ; and found that two of the crew were killed, and one severely wounded, as was also Captain Jamison's faithful dog. Captain Jamison then slipped his cable and stood out to sea, followed by the canoes of the natives; who on the following day (being still in sight of land) attempted to board, but were prevented by the steady fire from the i schooner. The loss of the natives not known, but is supposed to have been severe.—Nautical Standard.