12 APRIL 1856, Page 10

The Gazette of last night contained a despatch from Dr.

Hall on the sanitary condition of the Army in the East. All are healthy ; and even the condition of the Land Transport Corps is more satisfactory.

"Taking the whole force in the Crimea, including Land Transport Corps, Army Works Corps, and Medical Staff Corps, the admissions to strength have only been in the ratio of 2.41 per cent ; deaths to strength, 0.02 per cent ; and sick to well, 441 per cent. Last week they were, respectively, 2.15, 0-04, 4.29. Taking the sick of the whole British force in Turkey, both in general and regimental hospitals, the ratio of deaths to strength has only been 0.03 per cent, and the ratio of sick to well 6-09 per cent."